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How many shaves without stropping, part II

My Filly showed first signs of dulling after 9 shaves without stropping. This proves nothing since I cannot say if this was the consequence of normal blunting effects of shaving. In fact it is fairly normal for this blade to get a touch up after 8-10 shaves. Since it's not my nature to give up so fast and for science sake :001_smile:lol: I'll try the same with a different razor. This one is a C135 carbonsong near wedge TI, supposedly the hardest steel produced today. Now, if a blade should hold up it's this one. $image.jpg
Part III will be a certain MK33.

Edit: in fact, Paul, I hesitated to use the MK33 but I refrained from it since it was not honed by myself.
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#0: touch up on my ZG. Kanayama 50/100. HHT: 4-5. MWF (great soap). Two passes WTG/XTG. Alum/Eau Sauvage. DFS. Did not attempt BBS since I was in a hurry (wife was waiting, normally it's the other way around).
Was in the mood for a second shave today to get that BBS

#1: Did'nt bother with the HHT. Speick stick. 2 passes XTG/XTG. Alum. Eau Sauvage. BBS as planned.
That's it Gentlemen. Attempted shave #2 and it was a tugging nightmare. Went back stropping the blade midshave and then everything went as usual. Interesting. I thought that this blade would hold up longer. Anyway, my no stropping days are over!
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