So how many?
I have 27 presently. Gonna try hard...reaaall hard, to stop buying Toby for a while.
I have 27 presently. Gonna try hard...reaaall hard, to stop buying Toby for a while.
Consider yourself in the "afficianado" categorey, you need to get a few more tins and move up to "expert" status!I guess I have a problem if so far 50% have less than 20.
Could it just be noobishness compels me to try a bunch, after which I'll settle on a few core selections?
I would say there are a few odds and ends...Mostly, it is a few pounds of navy flake, a few pounds of Red Cake, and then a few pounds of C&D. I tend to be a VA guy...and all my tobacco has 1-3 years on it at the moment. The Army helped me with adding alot of that age. Some is pre military (which is only about 3.5years ago; placing the tobacco at 4+years). Buy by the lbs to save $$$. Plus, you can start aging.
I cellar only one kind of tobacco... Virginia/Perique. I have maybe 3 different versions of Va/Pers cellared. But I also have over 100 pounds of it in my cellar. I love Virginia/Perique.
I cellar only one kind of tobacco... Virginia/Perique. I have maybe 3 different versions of Va/Pers cellared. But I also have over 100 pounds of it in my cellar. I love Virginia/Perique.
Wow, a hunnert pounds? I assume they are all of varying dates of production?
Any pics of this motherlode of Toby?
No pics. It is nothing more that a couple of rubbermaid shelving units filled with 4 ounce mason jars of tobacco. Nothing to look at, although the plumber I had in this past weekend seemed to be impressed.
That's alot of mason jars. I would think that you would use larger jars for cellaring tobacco. You can fit about 2oz (weight) of tobacco in a 4oz (volume) mason jar. Which means that you have over 800 mason jars sitting on shelves.
I can fit 4 ounces of tobacco in a 4 ounce mason jar. I pack it tightly, and since it is all broken flake, it packs nicely. I do not wish to open up an 8 ounce jar when I only wish to have 4 ounces on hand. a 5 pound bag can fit perfectly in 20 4 ounce mason jars.
You must really pack it in tight, I'm surprised it hasn't turned into cake. I have to compress somewhat just to get 2oz in a 4oz jar.