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How Many Brushes Does One Need? Really?

Today I'll be going to pick up my first badger brush. It will be an E&J as a local shop carries a decent selection of their products. I've only used a boar hair brush to date but feel a nice badger brush would be a good investment and do my skin some good. As a newbie this whole process can be a little overwhelming. Viewing some of the forums one might think they need at least five or ten brushes to be a real wet shaver.

How many brushes do you need really?

Would an appropriate abbreviation for badger brush addicts be BBAD (Badger Brush Acquisition Disorder) or, perhaps just BAD (Brush Acquisition Disorder) for the really addicted?

Have a great day gentlemen.
The short answer is all of them. Congrats on your purchase and have fun going down this rabbit hole.
Two when you only use them at home. Otherwise at least three, one being a travel brush.

The reason I have two brushes is to give both of them enough drying time between shaves.
You don't need very many.... just a few...


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You don't need very many.... just a few...

I came across this picture in a thread and thought "Oh God, what have I gotten myself into this time."

This is a prime example of BAD (Brush Acquisition Disorder)!
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I've got 3 right now. A Wee Scot for travel, a silver tip that allowed me to help out a newbie with my pure badger, and a synthetic which is great for when I'm pressed for time, just run under water real quick and have at it.
It's been debated many times, but for me I can't say. It depends what you're after in terms of experience. I like variety and my stable shows that. I've got a mix of sizes, grades of hair, badger, boar, horse. The only time I really feel like I'm being decadent is when I get two brushes that are very similar in terms of size and feel..... other than that, I really do enjoy the variety. Some guys are happy with the same brush day in and day out..... and there are times when I feel that way as well. When I feel that way, I will use one of the brushes in my collection for a week straight maybe. Personally, I think you can get a wide spectrum of variety in a collection of about eight brushes..... but that many is definitely not "needed" to simply shave. To simply shave, one brush is all you need.

I think the correct term is SBAD(Shave Brush Acquistion Disorder).

But ya only need one brush. I have gone 3 years on just a Colk Conk Badger Brush, though I did buy a VDH Boar for the wife's legs and have tried it a time or two. I have thought about going to a Badger but I face lather shave sticks and everything points to boar being better. Maybe one day...

I do have several razors tho'....:biggrin1:
Indeed, in all reality we only need one. But it is nice to have a variety, a choice, a rotation, or whatever you choose to call it. I've found that on some shaves a certain type of brush is needed. Having said that, that's my reason for having more than one brush, and I only have 5 in my rotation. :wink2: :crying:
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