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How do you start campfires?


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
That would work, but I prefer the traditional way - a cup of gasoline and throw a lit match.

Hey, how would that be as a snow removal tool for my front steps? It would need to be hot enough to evaporate the water - ice is worse than snow.
Well, I have a whole bushcraft kit with a bunch of things. But my goto is just dried grass, leaves, pine cones, and a lighter. Have your smalls ready, and good to go.


System Generated
Drier lint. It's free and plentiful.

You can cram it into a toilet paper empty roll and add twigs for fun or just ball it up and put it under your kindling.

We save bacon grease when camping too. Pour it over the logs and wipe up the pan with paper towel and store in a ziplock.
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Interesting thread.. spent many years camping/backpacking and started many-a-campfire. Never used any of the above and always worked with what we found in the area... I specifically remember teaching the boys how to make a campfire after a downpour when everything was wet.... made some fur sticks (at least that's what I always have called them) and used wood from the center of an otherwise wet piece of wood. If we needed a headstart, you can't beat pine sap. I miss those days.

The dead lower branches from hemlock trees are my favorite.
They terminate in many very fine tips,
so that a single branch can be processed into both tinder and kindling.
And then, it's a flick of the Bic.
Drier lint. It's free and plentiful.

You can cram it into a toilet paper empty roll and add twigs for fun or just ball it up and put it under your kindling.

We save bacon grease when camping too. Pour it over the logs and wipe up the pan with paper towel and store in a ziplock.
Oops - just saw you already posted this.
Glad I am not the only one!
I make charcoal, charcloth, and tinder packages....

Fire strike and cotton balls laced with Vaseline.
One strike - one fire.
Gave up on lighters years ago.
I've heard coconut oil works better, but I haven't tried it yet.

I want to try the potassium permanganate and brake fluid method. You can also use the PP for water disinfecting and antiseptic for minor cuts and scrapes. Multi-use stuff gets my vote every time.
I have started fires this week twice using handsanitizer like I mentioned earlier. The pandemic caused some stores to load up on handsanitizer only to nearly give it away later. I bought it for 20 cents a bottle late last year. I also bought a one gallon jug for $3.00. I keep it in my travel trailer and all my vehicles.
I have started fires this week twice using handsanitizer like I mentioned earlier. The pandemic caused some stores to load up on handsanitizer only to nearly give it away later. I bought it for 20 cents a bottle late last year. I also bought a one gallon jug for $3.00. I keep it in my travel trailer and all my vehicles.
Very practical.


Staff member
Vaseline covered balls and a ferro rod.

When I was taking tourists out to the bush for a job we might have kept a small tin of diesel fuel hidden away for quick results when nobody was looking.

An excellent source of kindling is the waxed cardboard from fruit boxes, cut into strips.
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