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How do you make a vintage DE Razor bling?

I have a dozen Vintage Gillette razors, a couple in mint condition and even after a light polishing, none seem to shine as well as some of the offerings in BST or Ebay. What's the secret to a glistening, bling vintage razor?
Either a replate or a mild metal polish like Maas. I know there is another type of polish people use, but I haven't used anything other than silver polish on a silver razor. You have to be careful using certain polished on Gold finishes I know. Someone else with more knowledge will be along shortly with more detailed information. Whatever you use, mild is the key and gentle pressure and polishing. If they are in poor shape with a lot of plating loss, send them out to be redone in nickel, silver, chrome, gold or Rhodium. Rhodium is my favorite of all finishes and it doesn't cost any more than Gold...but man does it sparkle.
I am pretty certain that the razors that I see bling on ebay by professional resellers have not been plated in rhodium. There are two things that I am curious about. First, what are they using and the process, polish? buffing wheel? Second, does such a process remove too much of the original finish thereby causing permanent long term damage to the finish?
Flitz or Maas polish. Been using Flitz mostly lately. Both will take just a wee bit of the original plating off because they are both mildly abrasive..... so you need to be careful not to overdo it. Also, don't use these polishes on gold. No buffing wheel..... I just use a clean cotton rag (old undershirt) and a cotton swab for the nooks and crannies.

I use a dremel and Maas polish on my straight razors. Anything with a plating on it gets rubbed with Maas by hand. If you are not careful, you can wear through the plating quite quickly.
I do not know exactly what E-bay sellers you mean.
I do know that you can do allot with photography, lighting and even more with Photoshop.
" it never looks as good in real life."
Another vote for Flitz. I soak mine in Simple Green for about ten minutes and then scrub with a toothbrush and re-soak and repeat as necessary. After the Simple Green treatment, I use Flitz to polish the razor head and it's off to be disinfected and then used.

I put mine on a buffing wheel. You just have to set it to a low speed and go very gently, checking to make sure you aren't removing plating.
Summary: change all of the lighting in your home to maximize razor blinginess. I am sure you will have no problem selling the home to the next owner.
I do not know exactly what E-bay sellers you mean.
I do know that you can do allot with photography, lighting and even more with Photoshop.
" it never looks as good in real life."

Its the sellers who show pictures of razors on reflective glass mirrors or glistening silver trays and where you can see your reflection on the razor head. I have a couple of mint condition vintage gillette razors and I doubt they bling as much as some offerings. I am just curious as to what presentation extremes some people go to and what permanent damage/wear might come from the over polishing and buffing?
Some of the bling you see is replaiting and some is just good photography. With enough light anything is shiny.


I got a camera on my cel phone and they don't turn out that good. Maybe I need me one of these new fandangle cameras?

i throw my razors in a good days soak, then i throw them in the ultra sonic cleaner for a few rounds and the another soak cuz the water is too hot to take them back out, then i polish with maas
I notice many speak highly of Mass. Is it only available online or do some retailers have it?
I just bought a 1962 Gillette slim, it shows it's age! As long all the moving parts work properly I'll keep the "vintage" look.
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