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How do I hone this Puma?

Hey guys,

So I recently bought this Puma and it has some toe wear as you can see in the pics. My buddy @shakin_jake has kindly pifed me some lapping film so I am all ready to hone it, but my question is: Do I just hone in a straight line or do I go in an x pattern to address the toe wear? I have watched the gssixgun's videos on youtube where he demonstrated the x pattern, I can try that if you think it's necessary.

This is my first time honing by the way :thumbup:

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That will need a slight rolling x-stroke but I would not learn on that razor. You should learn on more of a beater one.
You just need a little rolling stroke treat as a slightly smileing blade profile, that's all.

Should work out find for you, just take your time, it's not a race, it's building a skill set.

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