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How did this happen?

I got into DE shaving well over a year ago because I was tired of paying for cartridges and finding many dull out of the box. I told myself I would never get the RAD disease. Well, with the arrival of my new Fatboy today, I realized something - I have a problem. In addition to these, I also have three Simpson brushes. DE shaving is cheaper, my ***.


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You have reached the first step, admitting you have a problem. And if you'd like to ever get rid of any... I'd gladly take one or two... Because I have a problem now, too :)
I got into DE shaving well over a year ago because I was tired of paying for cartridges and finding many dull out of the box. I told myself I would never get the RAD disease. Well, with the arrival of my new Fatboy today, I realized something - I have a problem. In addition to these, I also have three Simpson brushes. DE shaving is cheaper, my ***.

Don't fell bad, I have been wet shaing for 3 months now, in which time I now have 19 razors, 4 brushes,6 soap pucks, 15 sticks of ARKO,2 tubes of PRORSO shaving cream,enought DICKINSON'S witch hazel to fill a small pool, CLUBMAN'S AS to fill a large pool,
and just over 500 blades (mostly ASTRA SP). RAD you say - I love it!
Yeah you don't have a problem I been at this for just over four months and I've got over 175 razors 2 times my life expectancy of blades and enough arko for 20 years
Oh yeah I have an addictive personality I wont say how much I have spent but we can put it this way.. I have to go to paypal and delete my messages so the wife wont see how much I have spent..:glare:
Thanks to this forum, I have somehow accumulated 28 different Gillettes, a Pal Injector and two Schicks. Now how the heck did that happen without me realizing it?
Yeah you don't have a problem I been at this for just over four months and I've got over 175 razors 2 times my life expectancy of blades and enough arko for 20 years

Would you like a throw-away BIC? :lol:Just kidding, my god , you have the ultimate in RAD. Good luck and keep'em coming.
When I looked at your array of razors, I didn't see the problem at first. Then I realized, that you don't have a New razor, nor do you have a TTO open comb. So you have two problems. Some people might think it is a problem not to have a Tech after all this time, but I don't think that's a problem.
Just so you know, you don't really have a problem until you have thirteen soaps in rotation.
I've been wetshaving now for exactly 2 years. Since then I've owned 10 razors. In the past 3 months, I sold off most of my razors, as I find myself only using a couple anyways. Now I am down to 3. I will be putting another up for sale soon. After awhile, you'll discover what works for you and once you admit you don't need so many, hopefully you should be able to reduce the number of razors you own. The only reason to keep buying is if you want to collect. But that's just my opinion.
I guess you can say I like shiny sharp things and I was always fascinated by knives and razors, finding this forum opened up a new arena for collecting. I was able to get my holy grail (a nickel toggle) a few weeks ago by making a trade. Now after several years of buying and selling I am at the end of what I want.

The one thing I would say would be to not sell off anything that you might want in the future. I sold some razors in the beginning that took quite a bit of time to find again. The prices have hit levels I thought that would never be reached and if you get a great deal you just might not find it again.
Since I am partial to Gillette adjustables I am pretty satisfied with my current collection. I'm not a fan of open combs, at least not the Merkur I had or the two Gillettes I have. I cannot imagine how someone would collect 175 razors in two months. How many purchases per day is that?
I got into DE shaving well over a year ago because I was tired of paying for cartridges and finding many dull out of the box. I told myself I would never get the RAD disease. Well, with the arrival of my new Fatboy today, I realized something - I have a problem. In addition to these, I also have three Simpson brushes. DE shaving is cheaper, my ***.

How did this happen? My guess is joining B&B set everything in motion. We do that to people (and each other!).

Of course, as you use and scratch certain razors off your bucket list, you can almost always re-sell them here on B/S/T if they're in serviceable shape. This will recoup your investment and then some, in many cases. Then you will have ready cash on hand...with which to buy the next crop of razors obsessing your pogonotomic fever dreams.
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