This is a response to "All open combs kinda look alike, HOW CAN I TELL THEM APART?" b/c I actually find this even more confusing.
By solid handle, you mean the three peice style right? Like ball end olds, tuckaway new improved, and the various NEWs.
Handles are the same, ball end for OLDs, New Improved and NEWs, just the head is different. OLD head like in the other thread (razor A), New Improved for the tuckaway (razor C) and the two types of NEW heads (razor D & E) which come with thatsolidstraight one peice handle, or a ball end handle
The differences are exactly the same as the other thread, they just had the ball end handle across all three models, and the longer teeth andsolidstraight one peice 'common bar' handle for the new as well as the ball end.
Yes, That's what I said. Only the tuckaway new improved. Ball end new improved (which is the tuckaway).
That's why I said three piece style, and only the tuckaway applies for a new improved head
No worries, I forgot about the goodwill razor though, so thanks for bringing that up.
The thread that the OP was talking about already had the other new improved handled razors that weren't a tuckaway.
edit:By his statement saying he had already seen that thread, and was asking about solid handle types, I took it to mean he was asking just about razors where the guard isn't fixed to the handle for the OLD, New Improved and NEW and the common bar NEW, so any New Improved that meets that criteria will be the Tuckaway.
I'd have to say no here, mainly the common bar NEW is a very common razor that was brought out after they stopped making the ball ends that is 3 piece, also I've got a few british non ball end combs that are normal 3 peice style and they are New Improved or NEW types.So does that mean that all non-ball end open combs have the handle attached to the comb?
No, the handles are hollow for both types, balance is about the same generally. But with the NEW Improved range, most razors were longer and heavier than OLDs and NEWs. The New Improved was mainly fancy razors in huge sets. Then they decided to make cheaper andd simpler NEWs for the common man, and Goodwill razors with left over parts. So for heavy big razors, the New Improved was the hey day of open comb razors as far as range of larger and heavier razors.Also, are the non-ball end open combs always heavier and better balanced?