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How Can I Determine The Quality of My Shave?

After shaving, how can I determine whether my shave is a SAS, DFS or BBS?
And is it counted as DFS or BBS only BEFORE you apply Witch Hazel or an after shave balm? (I would assume so, otherwise EVERY single one of my shaves would be BBS if I counted it AFTER applying witch hazel)
I judge the quality of a shave by rubbing my hand over my face at the conclusion of my shaving ritual, which occurs with the application of aftershave.


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I usually check before AS. I know if I have to do some touch-ups or not.

I usually get something between a DFS (a bit patchy but not much) or BBS (smooth in any directions)
After shaving, how can I determine whether my shave is a SAS, DFS or BBS?
And is it counted as DFS or BBS only BEFORE you apply Witch Hazel or an after shave balm? (I would assume so, otherwise EVERY single one of my shaves would be BBS if I counted it AFTER applying witch hazel)

a sensitive girlfriend can be of a big help here..

I always judge my shave AFTER everything is done and the ASL-ASB is dry ... that's how I'm going out in the world, so that's how I take my criteria.

I get DFS+ on a daily basis without even trying in about 10 minutes or less. I can do BBS perhaps once a week, although it takes me more time and concentration, especially on the prep-steps.

As one person noted, you have to keep checking DURING the shave, so that you know if you need any touch-up(s.) Mine are never in the same place twice.
This is a VERY subjective question. I would imagine that one man's BBS is another's DFS...

If I rub my hand across my face and feel more than 1% stubble, I'd say it was DFS.
stubble < 1% = BBS
As one also new to DE shaving, I think it too restrictive to determine quality of shaves on 'results', grade scales, and ultimate closeness.

For me, if I can get a clean, presentable and comfortable shave with no residual irritation on my sensitive area, then that's a great shave.

I see so many posts in the newb forum where new users are focussed almost entirely on the goal of BBS from day 1, and put themselves through a lot of unnecessary pain to achieve it, before they, and their skin is ready for it - and some will never do so, as their skin may not tolerate intensive shaving.

I'm just as guilty as the next man of striving for zero stubble. But I've often got better results with a 2 pass W/XTG, than I have going for a 4 pass shaving gold. The less I try to get the ultimate shave, the more comfortably I can shave the next time.

That is really what we want, isn't it?*

*Apart from toys to tinker with. And just one more puck to try, just to see if it's any good...
Personally, if I can't feel any hair on my face AND I can rub an alum block around my face without much sting, I know I have a BBS

A DFS is when I have no irritation, but I can feel (not see) one or two places where I missed a little bit.

... and I really don't settle for anything less than that. If I happen to get some irritation I'll apply the AS and be done with it. :cool:

If you are really picky, do the old army shave test with a ball of cotton wool.
Drag ball of cotton wool lightly all over face, if any snags then (according to the army) its NOT a good shave
I wait until a good while after the shave and only check in the other bathroom where the light is different. I often find I missed a spot in that light.

A business card is a very unforgiving test. It can dig into the skin even more than your hand. I doubt many (any?) of us would pass that test 100&#37; even after thinking we had a BBS. A cotton ball is probably a better test, though I suspect it would be a bit below a lot of our members' BBS standard.

Each of us is the best judge for our own shave. It's not just a matter of closeness, measured by a cotton ball or card. It's your skin, your circumstances, and your own preferences. While it would be nice to have a standard so we can talk about DFS, BBS, etc and be clear what each of us means, it's been tried here before, and doesn't seem to be practical.

Now I know some enterprising member with too much time is going to come up with some more tests in addition to the card and cotton ball. Maybe we can change the scale. "Hey, I got a cotton ball shave this morning."
If you are happy!

Don't worry if others think your shave is quality, just that you are happy with it.

To be truthful, others are not likely judging you on the quality of your shave, and most people are probably unlikely to even notice your shave as long as you don't have huge patches of stubble remaining.

So in that regard, anything beyond a SAS is basically for our benefit (when we stroke our faces all day), and for the benefit of anyone else who might have the thrill of touching your face. :tongue_sm
Easy. Once you have finished shaving, and are ready for the AS, if you can splash on some Aqua Velva with no pain, you got a good shave!
If u don't have any irritation ,nicks and burns i think u can say u had a good shave. Of course the quality of the blade make a difference.
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