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How and where do you apply your cologne?

EDT, EDC, EDP -- it doesn't matter: I shpritz it on my neck, chin, cheeks, and chest, then rub it around and into my skin (making sure to get that all-important upper-lip). Then I pull on a polo shirt or T-shirt, and drive up to the tattoo shop (I'm finally apprenticing).

Today, I shaved with Mama Bear's Chypre Rose shaving soap, and finished with a liberal application of the matching EDC.

Different day, different scent; but "subtle" isn't in my lexicon.


"Got Shoes?"
First, I prefer a spray which I believe allows me better quantity control. Then, for the most part, I start with a spritz on the back of my hand then up the arm, across the chest down the other arm and the back of the other hand. Then a spritz on the inside of each wrist and then a spray across the back of neck and shoulders. I know it seems excessive but it seems to work with the scents I use and not make the fragrance seem overpowering. Believe me, if it was, swmbo would let me know about it.
I prefer splashes for the greatest control of quantity- sprays are always pleaty at one spritz, and if I wanted a bit more I wouldn't because I don't want to overdo it. Splashes, you splash a bit on with your hand, and then if you want just a tiny bit more, you can put your finger over the hople and upend the bottle, to get just a dab. Same if you just want a tiny bit of scent to refresh you, but not to smell strongly of it.

When I've put on Pinaud Bay Rum as a cologne, I find myself splashing on loads of it (by my standards) as it is so refreshing, but not finding the smell overpowering- while it is not a weak smell it is somehow unobtrusive yet refreshing. Anybody else had the same experience?
Normally, I put a 2-4 spritiz from an atomizer on the back of my neck after I shave. Sometimes behind the ears or on the chest depending on if I have a date that night. However, the amount depends on the blend that you have. Different scents have different percentage of fragrance in them.

The following is a break down of the percentage of fragrance. I got it from the "Black Book of Style" put out by Esquire in the fall of 2006.

Eau De Cologne: 3% perfume oil
Eau De Toilette: 3-8% perfume oil
Eau De Parfum: 10-15% perfume oil

So, YMMV quite a bit. Some Eau De Toilette have three times as much oil as others. So, it would be best for you to try it for yourself and keep track so as you dont overpower those around you.
This maybe should be a different thread--if so I apologize.

Got all good ideas from replies and references to Alfie and how to "apply" cologne. BUT WHY not apply to face or at least neck???????


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