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Hi guys,

Reading through posts and notice that people are talking about the soap being hot when lathered up - how??
I soak my brush in hot water, but by the time it gets to my face (i seem to build the lather on my face) it doesnt feel hot. I know when I had a cut throat shave in Turkey the lather was red hot!!!
I am using Wilkinson Sword soap (my first purchase - will be upgrading soon) it doesnt seem to need much water to froth it up to be honest (unless im not doing it right - i get a thin coating on my face)

Most people shaving with warm lather use one or two methods to keep the temp up. The first is a separate accessory known as a scuttle. It either has a large bowl in which the lather is produced after loading the brush or a smaller bowl big enough to hold a loaded shaving brush. Around the bowl is a chamber that the user fills with warm water and after a few moments the bowl is warm and will transmit that warmth to the lather or the brush. The second method utilizes a bowl or cup that holds the brush or lather which is then placed in a sink filled with warm water. The brush is placed in the bowl or scuttle between passes. I use the bowl and basin method for bowl or face lathering. Barbers often have a machine that dispenses hot lather. Those too are available but they are much more expensive than a bowl or even a custom made scuttle. Running hot tap water through the brush after its soak will rewarm it if the soak has cooled down before you get started.
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