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Horror story or frugal Yankee ingenuity?

I talked to my 82 year old dad on Saturday and asked him what he was using for shaving cream these days (he had used Palmolive in a tube forever). He said "oh I just use whatever soap is on hand and add a drop of dish liquid that I put in the microwave for 20 seconds."

I talked to my 82 year old dad on Saturday and asked him what he was using for shaving cream these days (he had used Palmolive in a tube forever). He said "oh I just use whatever soap is on hand and add a drop of dish liquid that I put in the microwave for 20 seconds."


When I shaved with the 3/4/5 blade Gillette razors I never did anything but use the foaming hand soap at my bathroom sink as my 'shaving cream'. I thought the cans were too expensive and didn't like how you would end up with too much when the can was new and then had to eek out the last bit toward the end.

Regular soap served me well for many years. I'm sure it would still work ok but now I have a thing for rose, lilac, tabac, lime, etc.
I talked to my 82 year old dad on Saturday and asked him what he was using for shaving cream these days (he had used Palmolive in a tube forever). He said "oh I just use whatever soap is on hand and add a drop of dish liquid that I put in the microwave for 20 seconds."


For the love of god, buy the man a tube of euro palmolive.
yipes! Well, that detergent foams great I'll bet, kind of hard on the face though. Does he use a brush? Heck, anything should be better than that. I vote for KMF if you need to purchase locally, or Cella if you can order.
For the love of god, buy the man a tube of euro palmolive.

Yes, I'll have to do that. And yes, he uses a brush. Until Recently I think it was the same Gillette brush he's used for 50 years. I don't know what he got to replace it. I'll see when I go home later next month.

Frugal ingenuity?
I can tell you that Irish Spring didn't work for me. But then - I didn't add the dish soap so maybe that's the key...
When I used multibladed razors, I favored gentle facial type soaps over shave cream/goo. For some reason, I found that the lube strips worked better with plain soap than with shaving products.
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When I used multibladed razors, I favored gentle facial type soaps over shave cream/goo. For some reason, I found that the lube strips worked better with plain soap than with shaving products.

+1 that's what I'm saying...they didn't get clogged up and the whole thing cleaned up easier!
When I have thoughts like this, I consider that on a near daily basis in my work, I use a cheap $4 screwdriver.

Somewhere on the internet, there's a forum full of screwdriver devotees who would be dumbstruck at my ignorance at using anything short of seven different artesanal masterpieces in place of my rusty $4 special, at a total combined cost of several thousand dollars.

Know what I mean, Vern? :blush:
For some reason I thought of this... from my favorite piece of prose ever:

"I wouldn't want to be that old. An old man is a nasty thing."

"Not always. This old man is clean. He drinks without spilling. Even now, drunk. Look at him."

He's old... he can get away with it. I remember my grandfather with his DE and using a bar of Ivory soap for his shower, his shampoo, his condition, his face soap, and his shaving cream.

If I got my grandfather a tube of shaving cream, he would lecture me on what a waste of money it was... his Ivory was just fine.
I talked to my 82 year old dad on Saturday and asked him what he was using for shaving cream these days (he had used Palmolive in a tube forever). He said "oh I just use whatever soap is on hand and add a drop of dish liquid that I put in the microwave for 20 seconds."


I think your Dad must be very bright. American Palmolive is awesome shaving cream. I have an ever dwindling supply and will miss it when it's gone....

You know that at least 30 members from this board are watching the 20 second count-down on their microwaves, aquiver with antici... pation.

Frugal ingenuity?
I can tell you that Irish Spring didn't work for me. But then - I didn't add the dish soap so maybe that's the key...

Gentlemen (and a few ladies), we may have just found the holy grail of wetshaving that we've been searching for!:ouch1::ouch1:
When I have thoughts like this, I consider that on a near daily basis in my work, I use a cheap $4 screwdriver.

Somewhere on the internet, there's a forum full of screwdriver devotees who would be dumbstruck at my ignorance at using anything short of seven different artesanal masterpieces in place of my rusty $4 special, at a total combined cost of several thousand dollars.

Know what I mean, Vern? :blush:

This makes me laugh.

I once stumbled upon an online forum for flashlights. The members were discussing upgrades of processor boards and LEDs for mag-lights and other flashlights. And here I am with a $3, two-pack of flashlights from Harbor Freight. :w00t:
When I have thoughts like this, I consider that on a near daily basis in my work, I use a cheap $4 screwdriver.

Somewhere on the internet, there's a forum full of screwdriver devotees who would be dumbstruck at my ignorance at using anything short of seven different artesanal masterpieces in place of my rusty $4 special, at a total combined cost of several thousand dollars.

Know what I mean, Vern? :blush:
Huh, who knew? http://www.woodworkingtalk.com/f11/

And it looks just like ours.
There's an electric razor forum that is the complete negation of this place. I looked through it one time and got a kick out of trying to find my evil twin over there.
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