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Honing turn-around time?



I sent a razor to Lynn at SRD; apparently it entered his PO Box on Saturday, and I've yet to get confirmation that it's shipped out.

Obviously I'm not at the front of the line; I'd expect they'd put down their new-in-box razors to hone things customers mail in, but there's likely a first-come first-serve queue for customers who either sent their razor in or bought a new razor that can't be fulfilled immediately because none of the current stock is honed. And of course, plenty of razor orders and mail-ins from customers, especially with the second honing being free (and now with the free honing for life offer, I'm sure that'll pick up in the future).

The question is, of course, just how long is the line? Should I expect this thing to be sent out this week, or next week, or longer?
Why not email him and ask? Anything we could say is speculation, even if we got a razor honed by him in the past. His wait time may be shorter/longer now than back then.

That said, when I sent him a razor last year it took about 4 weeks or so. Don't remember the exact time.


Why not email him and ask? Anything we could say is speculation, even if we got a razor honed by him in the past. His wait time may be shorter/longer now than back then.

That said, when I sent him a razor last year it took about 4 weeks or so. Don't remember the exact time.

Nods. No big deal. I just don't like to pester people on these things; it sometimes has the mysterious effect of unfairly moving you ahead in line.

Well I see I will need to keep a second straight around. Oh wait, I have like 4 I need to restore....
Well, I'm 100% sure that at least one other person who hones razors only takes a couple days if you don't need it shave tested. Lynn's a popular guy, and being popular, he's probably got a backlog. IIRC Gugi mentioned that he's still got a backlog in another thread.

But yes, I agree, everyone should have at least a second straight if for no other reason than having a backup.
I'm pretty sure he didn't start honing it on Saturday, because that's when he cleaned up and honed one of my razors and few others :)
Lynn has a lot of razors to hone, but he's also faster at it than anybody else and does few dozens a day.
I sent a razor to Lynn at SRD; apparently it entered his PO Box on Saturday, and I've yet to get confirmation that it's shipped out.

Obviously I'm not at the front of the line; I'd expect they'd put down their new-in-box razors to hone things customers mail in, but there's likely a first-come first-serve queue for customers who either sent their razor in or bought a new razor that can't be fulfilled immediately because none of the current stock is honed. And of course, plenty of razor orders and mail-ins from customers, especially with the second honing being free (and now with the free honing for life offer, I'm sure that'll pick up in the future).

The question is, of course, just how long is the line? Should I expect this thing to be sent out this week, or next week, or longer?

What is the basis on which you believe we of the forum can answer this question?

Your question is about a razor, what about the BIG questions? Questions like -

What is the meaning of life?

Why is there air?

What is the sound of one hand clapping?

Why is an alarm clock going "off" when it actually turns on?
If you mated a bull dog and a ****su, would it be called a bullsh **?

If an ambulance is on its way to save someone, and it runs someone over, does it stop to help them?

Why is Grape Nuts cereal called that, when it contains neither grapes, nor nuts?

If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him?

Why is it called a "drive through" if you have to stop?

Why does mineral water that has "trickled through mountains for centuries" go out of date next year?

Why are Softballs hard?

If the professor on Giligan's Island can make a radio out of coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?

Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but people don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?

Why is an electrical outlet called an outlet when you plug things into it? Shouldn't it be called an inlet.

Why do we scrub Down and wash Up?

Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!

Can blind people see their dreams?

Why do they call it "getting your dog fixed" if afterwards it doesn't work anymore?

Why have you not contacted Lynn?

Good grief, where the aitch ee double ell did that bold nonsense come from?

Agreed. Pointless and unnecessary.

I'd have given it at least three weeks before I would be concerned. When I sent one in, it only took a week, but they do have backlogs at times, I'm sure. Give it some time.

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