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Honester Recognition

A wise man said:
"Live like it is your last day, and make plans as if you got a lifetime ahead of you."
Both are good reasons to pick up a straight razor today, if that's something you've always wished. :001_smile

As my friend Ralfy says: "C'mon in. The water's fine"

Kind regards,

That is some sage advice right there.

+1! My grandpa gave me very similar advice many years ago.
I would become a straight razor shaver but think @ 66 it is a bit late in the game for me. Too bad this organization did not exist many years ago; my only regret about it.

Thank you Alex and all the others,


I was discharged from the Navy in 1967 and started Straight Razor Shaving, and did so off and on until 1975. I grew a beard, and maintained it at 1/4" for the next 20 years. From then until mid 2008 I used everything except a straight.

Then one day I went back to the straight, and it was just like starting over again. Nothing seemed familure, and I treated it like it never happened before. A new beginning... so to speak.

It has been a great new experience, and I wll be turning 64 in a few months. Just what makes you think being 66 is an excuse to not learn something new?

Jump on board and at least give it a try. The journey is incredible.

I was discharged from the Navy in 1967 and started Straight Razor Shaving, and did so off and on until 1975. I grew a beard, and maintained it at 1/4" for the next 20 years. From then until mid 2008 I used everything except a straight.

Then one day I went back to the straight, and it was just like starting over again. Nothing seemed familure, and I treated it like it never happened before. A new beginning... so to speak.

It has been a great new experience, and I wll be turning 64 in a few months. Just what makes you think being 66 is an excuse to not learn something new?

Jump on board and at least give it a try. The journey is incredible.


Thank you Ray and all the others for the sage advice. I am researching and preparing for a shave with a straight razor and it is interesting to say the least. It amazes me how much knowledge the organization has on the subject.


If you need a razor to try, let me know, I will send you one. It will have a fresh coticule honing done on it and will be ready to go.

You go to wallmart and buy their cheap mug and brush kit. You can at least get 3 or 4 shaves off a fresh blade without needing to strop it, and you can see if you like it.

You can get a nice, cheap, beginners strop from www.ruprazor.com and start looking for a razor, if you like it.

When you are done, you can send my razor back, and continue on your journey.

If you need a razor to try, let me know, I will send you one. It will have a fresh coticule honing done on it and will be ready to go.

You go to wallmart and buy their cheap mug and brush kit. You can at least get 3 or 4 shaves off a fresh blade without needing to strop it, and you can see if you like it.

You can get a nice, cheap, beginners strop from www.ruprazor.com and start looking for a razor, if you like it.

When you are done, you can send my razor back, and continue on your journey.


Thank you Ray. I have a Dubl Duck Goldedge Pearlduck which Alex checked out to see if he wanted to buy it. I am going to give it a go and see what happens. I have shaved with a brush and mug, brushless, cream, soap most of my shaving life when they were available so I guess all I need is to begin. I will probably switch to stainless steel because rust/corrosion worries me and I would not like to be the ruination of a good razor especially on that is not longer made so I will probably sell the Dubl Duck but have no idea what it is worth but perhaps Alex does.

Special thanks to you and thanks to everyone for sharing your knowledge.


Keep your Doubl-Duck. It is a great shaver and will serve you just as well as anything you can get. From a honing viewpoint the SS is a real pain in the A.. They are very hard to get an edge on.

Just learn how to maintain the razor you have and you will be just fine.

This, of course, is just my point of view and I am sure there will be others who will disagree with me.

Good Luck,

Dubl Ducks are worth more than they're worth. By that I mean, they are excellent shavers, but they sell for more than what they should based solely on that. They have a big collector market it seems.

Once I get a peening washer I'll be able to rescale mine. It turned out quite nice after a little repair.
Dubl Ducks are worth more than they're worth. By that I mean, they are excellent shavers, but they sell for more than what they should based solely on that. They have a big collector market it seems.

Once I get a peening washer I'll be able to rescale mine. It turned out quite nice after a little repair.

Relative to Filarmonicas? I think not:wink2:
I'd like to give a big kudos to Dan Gauthier (Floppyshoes) in Montréal, Canada. I've sent him several blades over the last few months and couldn't be happier in terms of affordability, turn around time, packaging etc. The edges have been exceptional to shave with. So many thanks Dan.

I'd like to give a big kudos to Dan Gauthier (Floppyshoes) in Montréal, Canada. I've sent him several blades over the last few months and couldn't be happier in terms of affordability, turn around time, packaging etc. The edges have been exceptional to shave with. So many thanks Dan.


Thank you, Sir :001_smile
Hey now, I paid $25 for my Filharm and it looked New. Never underestimate the power of good eyesight and bad eBay pictures.

Hmm... I kind of want to shave with it now... but I just shaved four hours ago.

What was it Toad said? "Grow beard, Grow!"

My duck was another story... but more of a gamble and less of a steal. I think I paid ~$80 for it, and it was a REALLY bad picture and looked like it might be chipped (dark spot out of the toe... not the edge, the toe itself) I figured if it was I could dremel a barber notch into it at least. It got here and it was just some very minor oxidation and bad lighting. Only serious problem with the razor was slightly warped scales. The blade itself after a little sanding looks almost NOS. I'm an eager beaver to get it rescaled and shave with it.
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I'll call out Ray-Man for an excellent honing job he did for me on an old, beat up Reynolds wedge. When it came back it would effortlessly take off arm hairs far above the surface of my skin. The shave quality is not easy for me to define, as I am a new straight razor shaver and making plenty of technique errors along the way as I learn. It seems quite effective, and pretty smooth on the rare occasions I get the angle and pressure correct. It is also sharp enough to effortlessly draw blood when I make a mistake!! I currently have two more blades out to him for honing, and it'll be around $25 shipped unless there is a problem with one of them that makes them unhoneable for some reason.

I found the service fast, professional (newbie standards anyway...), and reasonably priced, an all around great experience. The communication was good too. If you hear no more from me in this thread, you can assume the 2 blades out came back in the same way. Thanks, Ray-Man.
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