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Homemade sauerkraut



Finally, my Sauerkraut project took off.
Thanks to this thread, that provided the onspiration for it.

Bought a container, three cabbages, some salt.

Can't wait to see how it will turn out!
Do you have a weight in there Wim?

Yes indeed, there's a bowl in there with some cabbage leaves to put the cabbage mass down and under the liquid.
If this works out, I see if I can make a proper wooden weight, but I had to improvise this first time.

It looks and smells great at the moment I must say!
Any interesting kraut recipes? I'm just finishing a quart seasoned with soy sauce. Had a great Asian flavor. I'll probably do another batch but always looking for ideas.
Any interesting kraut recipes? I'm just finishing a quart seasoned with soy sauce. Had a great Asian flavor. I'll probably do another batch but always looking for ideas.

I am thinking of adding champagne when bottling.
Might be a ridiculous idea though.
Going to add a little bump to this thread too. Great advice on starting sauerkraut.

I'd love to try this, along with other fermented foods. As far as the sauerkraut goes, do you guys just eat it plain? I'm (mostly) vegetarian, so I wont be making up a bunch of corned beef or sausages to eat all that kraut with.

Also, who has experience lacto fermenting other veggies? I'd like to do real fermented pickles with the cucumbers from teh garden this year. Is the sky the limit as to what can be fermented? Carrots, asparagus, squash/zuccini, even tomatoes? I might give a bunch of stuff a shot if my garden actually produces this year.
I think you can pickle just about anything. If you read Michael Pollan's "Cooked," he spends an entire section of the book recounting his experience making pickles and other fermented veggies.
Picked Cauliflower is terrific, onions and of course cucumbers are all easy to do and very tasty. I had mixed results with carrots, I think they don't have enough moisture in them or something.
One of my favorites is pickled Jalapeno peppers, they are terrific on shammies and burgers and just about anything. I slice them into rings and knock off most of the seeds.
I was thinking cauliflower would be awesome too! I just looked up how to do it, seems really easy. Saw a recipe that adds curry powder and some whole garlic chunks. This might be this weeks project!
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Going to add a little bump to this thread too. Great advice on starting sauerkraut.

I'd love to try this, along with other fermented foods. As far as the sauerkraut goes, do you guys just eat it plain? I'm (mostly) vegetarian, so I wont be making up a bunch of corned beef or sausages to eat all that kraut with.

Also, who has experience lacto fermenting other veggies? I'd like to do real fermented pickles with the cucumbers from teh garden this year. Is the sky the limit as to what can be fermented? Carrots, asparagus, squash/zuccini, even tomatoes? I might give a bunch of stuff a shot if my garden actually produces this year.

Along with sauerkraut I've done fermented asparagus and some onions. Lately I've been doing a lot of kimchi. Wonderful stuff. Along with the usual napa cabbage version I've done brussel sprout kimchi and recently beet kimchi. Apparently it's the new "superfood" too.
Need to get another batch going. I'll keep it to around five pounds as I hate to dump moldy kraut and I won't can it.

Been gearing up for pickled cucumbers from the garden, but hey, I've got two empty crocks just sitting. Glad to see this thread again. It's one of the most appreciated threads in the Hall.
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