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here are my babies

here are my razors i think it is a good collection for someone who only started 2 months ago
what do yall think
my black handles are :m1, n1 and o2
my silvers are: w1, and unmarked so i dont know what year and i would appricate any help on that
and the other is a weishi that was my first but not my favorite
any input is great
Nice SS's. Your other silver is no date SS they were manufactured in 1948. Enjoy!! And welcome to B&B!!
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Super speeds did not have date codes from 47-50. The 47 can be identified by the blade bar.

Have you thought about branching out, maybe an open comb of some sort? There are plenty out there, and cheap too.

You will be enabled here.

That's a very nice collection of ss's. They are truly wonderful and very forgiving razors. My re-introduction to de shaving was a very clean flare tip purchased from a member of B&B. It's one of my favorites. Enjoy the experience.

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