Hi Guys - I'm a long time DE razor user and collector and for the last year or so have had a well groomed goatee. I have been using a Parker Shavette to clean up the inside area of my lower chin.
I already had some Shapton Glass HR Stones (1000 and 8000 grit) for wood working and bought some new German knives. So I stated to think well gees if I need an intermediate stone for my knives (restoring my old set) then I could also think about maintaining a Straight and going down that rabbit hole... So I found myself buying a 2000 and 4000 grit Shapton Glass and a 12000 Grit naniwa stone for final polishing + a Kangaroo leather bench strop and some 0.25 compound of some description lol
For a straight Razor I initially bought one from a store in Sydney which is local to me that was on special however I think I made a mistake because it has a rounded point and won't do the inside of my chin well?
Full Hollow TortoiseShell Dovo 5/8
Maybe I should have got a Dovo Barbarossa with Spanish Point.
I am getting older and I have pretty tough coarse whiskers lol... I couldn't find much in a half hollow with a Spanish Point.
Should I keep the one I bought just for kicks and can someone here recommend any thing better for me for maintaing a goatee and I guess general shaving than a Dovo which I've read a few horror stories about since impulse buying the first one... I could ask them to swap it on Monday for me - they haven't shipped it... with any luck that is. Maybe the Spanish point Barbarossa Dovo is fine though for a general shave and maintaining a Goatee as well?
I already had some Shapton Glass HR Stones (1000 and 8000 grit) for wood working and bought some new German knives. So I stated to think well gees if I need an intermediate stone for my knives (restoring my old set) then I could also think about maintaining a Straight and going down that rabbit hole... So I found myself buying a 2000 and 4000 grit Shapton Glass and a 12000 Grit naniwa stone for final polishing + a Kangaroo leather bench strop and some 0.25 compound of some description lol
For a straight Razor I initially bought one from a store in Sydney which is local to me that was on special however I think I made a mistake because it has a rounded point and won't do the inside of my chin well?
Full Hollow TortoiseShell Dovo 5/8
Maybe I should have got a Dovo Barbarossa with Spanish Point.
I am getting older and I have pretty tough coarse whiskers lol... I couldn't find much in a half hollow with a Spanish Point.
Should I keep the one I bought just for kicks and can someone here recommend any thing better for me for maintaing a goatee and I guess general shaving than a Dovo which I've read a few horror stories about since impulse buying the first one... I could ask them to swap it on Monday for me - they haven't shipped it... with any luck that is. Maybe the Spanish point Barbarossa Dovo is fine though for a general shave and maintaining a Goatee as well?
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