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Help me restore my Parker Vacumatic

Hey Guys,
So I bought a Vacumatic on eBay for a pretty good price, too good a price! http://www.ebay.com/itm/181084210508?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649

I got it in the mail today and went to test it with some water and nothing happened. Turns out there is no bladder in it, the top 'plunger' bit is there but nothing in the middle. I am assuming there should be a breather tube and a bladder, I seem to be missing both.

Now I am not confident even after reading the Parker Vacumatic sticky and I also don't really want to buy the tools to repair it just to fix one pen. So I was wondering if anyone here could recommend someone who could help get my pen in writing order. It probably needs a clean up and a polish too.

I would be very grateful if anyone could help me as I have always wanted to own a vacumatic and I was a little heart broken when I got it and found that I was missing some vital parts.

Thanks again guys.
I have used the fountain pen hospital with good results before. There are probably cheaper options others can recommend, but they did good work for me.

That auction was pretty slimy. The fourth pic is what they will say disclosed the condition, but in my opinion, it should have been stated in the text that the pen was not in working condition.
Yeah I didn't expect it to be perfect NOS but I still expected it to have all the parts. Thanks for the tips


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Not a bladder, but a diaphragm. I have done a few of my own, but I am not sure I would be confident enough to tackle someone else's. Forget about doing it yourself, unless you plan on doing more, because you need a few special tools and equipment. There is a shop near my work (Melbourne) who restores pens, but they are really pricey. You can PM me for the name, if you like.
Thanks David,
Also thank you for correcting me on the diaphragm. I have found one man in the US who will install a breather tube and diaphragm for around $45+ postage back to Australia.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Thanks David,
Also thank you for correcting me on the diaphragm. I have found one man in the US who will install a breather tube and diaphragm for around $45+ postage back to Australia.

That seems pretty fair.
I am in the process of restoring my first. With the correct tools, it has not been hard yet. I need to get diaphragms then I will be able to finish.
Can I piggy back a question..... The feed is very hard to get into the section. It was very hard to get it out even with the knock out block. Is this normal? And, do you guys use the Vacumatic lube that Richard Binder sells?

Lex, if you think you will restore more, I suggest getting the tools because it has been fun doing it! Now I want to find more that need to be restored, but at the right price!


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
a question..... The feed is very hard to get into the section. It was very hard to get it out even with the knock out block. Is this normal? And, do you guys use the Vacumatic lube that Richard Binder sells?
The feed should be tight. Unless there is a problem (need to replace parts or really bad clog) I don't remove the nib/feed. I use Ron Zorn's rosin section sealant on the threads but nothing on the diaphragm.
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