I just got my first safety razor. It was my grandfathers. It got sent to me by my parents who said it was a Gillette milord, it says so on the box. But when I compare it to what a milord should look like it has no resemblance to one. So what do I have? This razor has no markings or any text on it. The handle is somewhat heavy (though I don´t have another DE razor to compare with). The razor is most likely bough in Sweden. Could it be a matador razor even though mine has no text on it? I compared it to this http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?ltr=M&t=69844 and it looked somewhat the same...
http://img63.imageshack.us/g/img0898vp.jpg/ (6 bigger pictures)
Thank you for any info on this
http://img63.imageshack.us/g/img0898vp.jpg/ (6 bigger pictures)

Thank you for any info on this
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