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Help me identify this razor

I just got my first safety razor. It was my grandfathers. It got sent to me by my parents who said it was a Gillette milord, it says so on the box. But when I compare it to what a milord should look like it has no resemblance to one. So what do I have? This razor has no markings or any text on it. The handle is somewhat heavy (though I don´t have another DE razor to compare with). The razor is most likely bough in Sweden. Could it be a matador razor even though mine has no text on it? I compared it to this http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?ltr=M&t=69844 and it looked somewhat the same...

http://img63.imageshack.us/g/img0898vp.jpg/ (6 bigger pictures)

Thank you for any info on this :)
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You are correct, that is not a Milord, and not a Gillette.
You are probably onto something with Sweden.
I recently received a couple from Sweden, and their head style is very similar to the one you have there.

One of the razors I have from Sweden is a Matador. The other is a clone of it called Skrep. The clone is of noticeably lesser quality, with striations in the metal on the sides, and a lighter weight cheaper handle. Another similar head is on the Swing.
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Looks exactly like my first razor, which my late father gave to me when I started to get too much peach fuzz. He warned me to never let it fall on the bathroom tile floor. Said it knocked it out of alignment and this could not be rectified. It would be a nicker and call for the septic stick from then on :tongue_sm
This was 1953 and we Used Gillete blue blades. Contrary to the instructions from Gillete, He taught me to wipe the blade dry with a towel after shaving to keep it from rusting.
Got rid of it after I'd used up the last of my British - Super Sword Stainless steel double edged blades - in the late 60's :001_rolle
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