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Help me identify this old SE

Can anyone identify this? It came in a big lot of old razors I bought and I've never seen anything like it before.

Is it missing components?

Burham razor. I've got one just like it. It is complete. I've not used mine, but I've read it will take standard SE blades.
I have a Burham like this too- it is a primitive but effective little SE. I actually have been shaving with it a lot in the past few months. It came with a spineless SE blade (which of course was no longer usable) so I loaded it with a Feather Spineless that I use with my Valets. Now many B&Ber's will tell you just to pull the spine off a regular SE blade- and that looks easy to do- even a youtube video available (I think), but I ordered the Feather Spineless some time ago and have been using those quite happily- not cheap but they are shaped perfectly for this razor and the Valets.

The razor you have is not exactly in pristine condition- if you can clean it up, it may be worth the spineless Feathers. I like the shave that I get with it so much that I have been thinking I may do a review of it on the Wiki if nobody has reviewed it yet. Guess I ought check that but something tells me that it has not been reviewed-- it is so basic and not the kind of razor that most people would wax eloquently about--- but I will if I get the time!:thumbup1:
There appear to be no reviews of this razor and it is not in the Data Base- hope I get time to review it--- thanks for the thread it inspired me!
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