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Help me understand SE razors

Hi all new to the forum and stumbled on this thread so I guess my question is obviously they don’t use the DE blades I’m guessing. What is the advantage of a single edge razor over a double edge? not trying to be a smart *** or anything like that, I’ve just never seen these razors before that I know of and am genuinely curious. It seems with DE you would get more life out of a blade. So help me understand the +/- of these razors.
I'm still new. I've used Schick Type E injectors lots, and I've had a good round of first shaves with some GEM razors. I don't know if SE has an advantage over DE. SE is different, more edgey; and so, fun. I've learned lots from SE that can't be learned from DE. I think my time with SE has increased my understanding, and enjoyment, of DE shaving. I think that SE, generally, offers a closer shave than DE. And you don't have to turn an SE razor as you shave, and SE blades last twice as long as DE blades; so less fussy that way. Also, I would like to try straight-razor shaving at some point, and I think SE shaving may be a good intermediate step for that.
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@Blade_Runner37C , as many of the forum members would have pointed out there are three different popular SE Offerings. I have a ton of SE razors and enjoy all three versions of them.

1. Half DE Blade Razors - The kind where you snap a DE Blade in half for use or get Pre cut half DE blades. Fun to use and just requires more rinsing under the tap as compared to the DE. Those that I have used and love are the Leaf Twig, The Robin Snap Razor, The Yaqi Katana and the Razorock Eco. While I have only the Katana and the R snap, If Leaf came out with a Stainless Steel Three piece wig, i would pick it up in an instant.

2. The Artist Club Version - Every Shaver has their preference for what blades they use in it. These Razors are closest to a Cartridge razor in approach and that's where the similarity ends as well. They can be mild, mid aggression or fairly aggressive. They are so safe that you'd literally have to dig a blade into your skin or have really bad shave technique to get a nick or a weeper. I always get a smooth and close shave from them and pick them up when I'm in the mood for an auto pilot shave or in a hurry. Having said that, they lack the spirit of adventure a DE offers by being too predictable. The ones I prefer are - The Blackland Vector, The Atelier Le Faulx Ultra, The Shield Avenger, The Alpha Claymore Evolution and the Stando SE. Tried every AC blade possible but teh Schick P30s and the Feather pros are my personal choice.

4. GEM Razors - A ton of new shavers buy into the hype and get a Gem only to be disappointed with their shave characteristics and resluts. Gem's require a learning curve and once you've spent a bit of time wtth the Razor, they can be wonderful sahvers that offer a completely different Shaving experience. There are a load of vinatge ones available on teh bay and sometimes on BST as well. My prefernce in the Gem's would be the Gem Micromatic Open Comb, The Gem 1912, The Atelier Vestige, The PAA Gem Starling and the Blackland Sabre V2.

To me there are no reasons for one version of a razor being better than the other. They all offer a diffrent experience. I favour DE razors more but the main thing is that " Whatever you use, make sure You Enjoy the Shave."
An added bonus depending on what kind of shaver you are is the blade length that the Artist Club blades specifically have. As a head shaver myself the added length of the Artist Club Single Edge stuff cuts down the shave time a nice bit.

Although not maybe the first thing folks thing about as a reason to use Single Edge blades, it is a unique benefit to the Artist club ones and not something you can get from any DE
Single edge blades are thicker and more expensive, some may last longer??? I really doubt it.
DE and SE are good options and for me neither is better.....they are a bit different. If you have the money and itch to try, jump in the pool and try them. But if you have something you like.....just stay put. And if on a budget....get an inexpensive DE razor w some inexpensive but sharp blades.
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