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Help me fix my Gem 1912!


Ok, my aunt got a little too curious about my 1912, and she managed to rip the top off. It snaps back onto the rest of the head fairly easily, but I can't seem to pop the little tab that projects out from the bottom of the head through the hole on the top piece while putting the top back into place. Have you ever had to contend with this, and if so, do you have any suggestions on how to do it without breaking the razor? Thanks!
santamariasteve, I did it! I had to insert a small screwdriver into the head to push up the tab while snapping the top back on. I was just too worried I'd break it.
HUF, actually, very funny! My girlfriend, who bought me the razor, luckily is up in Burlington MA, or my aunt might not be. :)
I bought a 1912 and the tab in the center was not above the main flap it took me about 2 minutes of staring at it and then bam it was fixed.
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