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Headshavers: Aftershave AS Splash of Choice

This is one department of shaving where I lack variety.

I started off with classic Old Spice and have progressed to Osage Rub which I love and the occasional Aqua Velva Blue.

What are some must try Headshaver splashes? How about balms? I have Nivea Sensitive and Proraso.

I shave at night and never thought to apply it the next day. Will this have any benefit? Note: I also use WH and Ice Cube rub post shave.
I shave my head in the shower then my face at the sink as soon as I get out. I rinse my head with cold water in the shower, pat dry, get out and apply Witch Hazel to my head. Then I shave my face. When done I apply aftershave to head and face all at once and use the same on both.

Thanks but I'm not sure you read my post ;)
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