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Head Shavers Equipment

What do you head shavers use? Do you have separate razors for head/face? What about blades? Do you use adjustable and dial in different settings for head/face? Soap/Cream? What are your techniques?

The world wants to know! Or at least I do.

I'm surprised there's not a huge wiki on this subject.
I use a dovo straight razor for shaving my head , vulfix brush and DR Harris soap and aftershave , is easy when you have some years of experience , the trick part is the back top side . I make the change from safety razor to straight razor for economical reason , I was spend more than $360 in cardtrige per years that madness .
I use all my razors for head shaving. Doesn't matter if it's SE, DE or str8. The str8 took alot more practice. They are all good...Merkur Vision has the end caps that cover the ends of the blade that can nick the back of our ears easily...but I would be hard pressed to point to only one razor or blade for head shaving...I keep trying them all...and my RAD continues. :biggrin:
I use a Gillette Atra with Persona AutoPlus blades from Walmart. Works like a champ and the AutoPlus blades are about 35 cents each.
I usually shave my head first, right after the shower, with the same razor & blade & soap I intend to use on my face.
So its mostly a super speed or sometimes a fat handle TECH.
With, at the moment, some Tabac or Ogallala soap
If I'm in a real hurry, and still don't want to skip the headshave, I'm known for shaving my head in the shower, with a BIC disposable & some hair conditioner. Foolproof! Not a nick, no irritation, great, mirror-like finish :biggrin1:

I think I actually could do that everyday, but it's not nearly as fun as with a DE/Brush/Soap.
I use the same razor (Merkur HD), blade (Either a Feather or Gillette Blacks) and whatever soap / cream I've decided to use that day. I usually do my face first, since I find that the stubble on my head is pretty tough and dulls the blade fast. The next time around I use the blade on my head first and then switch to a new blade for my face.


I recommend Muhle R89 old head, Gem Micromatic Clog Pruf, and Merkur long handled modified Progress set at 12.

Razors that didn't make the cut. These are razors that I could just not get a close enough head shave. Close is no visible hair or stubble. Weishi, Gillette Tech, Gillette Single Ring, Gem Micromatic Safety bar version, and Gem Featherweight. The Gem Micromatic Open Comb worked well but cloged to easily. Granted I will usually shave my head with 5-7 days growth.
I also use the same razor / blade / cream / soap / brush that I will be using for my face that day. I've used everything from a GEM to a Merkur Sledgehammer Slant (and everything in between) on my dome with no problems at all. The only difference between face & head for me is the AS. I typically use Speick AS on my face, but will typically use Aqua Velva AS on my head (due to me being rather thrifty :laugh:)
I have pretty much settled in on a Merkur 1904 Open Comb with Crystal blades for my head. I use several other razors on my face in rotation. I use the same brushes and cream on my face and head and do the same pre shave prep (Kyle's routine) and post shave (cold water rinse, Thayer's witch hazel and an AS splash) for face and head.

The thing I have found that has helped alot is to only apply lather to the area you are working on at the time (top, side or back). Otherwise, the lather dries up before you get all the way around and I get nicks or irritation.


I have pretty much settled in on a Merkur 1904 Open Comb with Crystal blades for my head. I use several other razors on my face in rotation. I use the same brushes and cream on my face and head and do the same pre shave prep (Kyle's routine) and post shave (cold water rinse, Thayer's witch hazel and an AS splash) for face and head.

The thing I have found that has helped alot is to only apply lather to the area you are working on at the time (top, side or back). Otherwise, the lather dries up before you get all the way around and I get nicks or irritation.

Good point. I didn't mention this. I shave my head in parts. First the top, then left side, then right side. Only lather the area that you are currently working on.
I use a replated Long Comb Gillette NEW on one of my Bull Mastiff handles.
The turned over combs of the LC NEW feel better then the sharp tines of other opened comb razors and make maintaining the proper blade angle easy.
I'm sure I'll be flamed for this, but here's my opinion.

I use a Mach3 plus can off Barbosol on my head while I'm in the shower to shave my head. I've tried DE's on it that I use on my face and I've found that:
  • Head hair is much less course than facial hair (even if it's just as dense)
  • Your head is less sensative than your face

Those two being the case, I've found that shaving my head in the shower with a mach3 and barbasol gives me a great shave with no irritation. Once I'm done in the shower, i get out and shave my face using the full-on pre-soap, soap, DE, AS treatment that most people on this forum use.

So yeah, I'd never go back to a cartridge razor on my face, but it does fine on my head. And ebay sold me mach3 razors for about $1.00 each and they last like 5 shaves, so that's fine by me.
I'm sure I'll be flamed for this, but here's my opinion.

I use a Mach3 plus can off Barbosol on my head while I'm in the shower to shave my head. I've tried DE's on it that I use on my face and I've found that:
  • Head hair is much less course than facial hair (even if it's just as dense)
  • Your head is less sensative than your face

Those two being the case, I've found that shaving my head in the shower with a mach3 and barbasol gives me a great shave with no irritation. Once I'm done in the shower, i get out and shave my face using the full-on pre-soap, soap, DE, AS treatment that most people on this forum use.

So yeah, I'd never go back to a cartridge razor on my face, but it does fine on my head. And ebay sold me mach3 razors for about $1.00 each and they last like 5 shaves, so that's fine by me.

I used to do that too, but once I perfected my DE technique it seemed silly to use 2 different razors to shave with.
This is also why I quit using the headblade.
I'm sure I'll be flamed for this, but here's my opinion.

I use a Mach3 plus can off Barbosol on my head while I'm in the shower to shave my head. I've tried DE's on it that I use on my face and I've found that:
  • Head hair is much less course than facial hair (even if it's just as dense)
  • Your head is less sensative than your face

Those two being the case, I've found that shaving my head in the shower with a mach3 and barbasol gives me a great shave with no irritation. Once I'm done in the shower, i get out and shave my face using the full-on pre-soap, soap, DE, AS treatment that most people on this forum use.

So yeah, I'd never go back to a cartridge razor on my face, but it does fine on my head. And ebay sold me mach3 razors for about $1.00 each and they last like 5 shaves, so that's fine by me.

I was doing this also, but I continually got ingrown hairs. If I could get away with it, I would shave under a nice warm shower, but unfortunately, Los Angeles is in a drought (water is expensive) and shaving with a DE without seeing what I'm doing (at least for now) is a dangerous proposition.
I use a Tech to shave my head in the shower with good quality bar soap. I prefer more aggressive razors for my face.

Wiki article on the subject is here. All are welcome to edit/modify.
I have been using a BP slant on my head for about a year with great success. About 10 minutes ago I tried a Ikon Spindle Classic Handle for the first time. I picked it up on the B/S/T a few days ago. All I can say is :ohmy:
This thing shaves like a demon. Lightweight and really aggressive. I will definitely be rotating this with my Slant. I think the only place left to go with safety razors is the Cobra Classic:001_smile

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