I'm tempted to try DE out for my head, but my head is the last place I want to risk nicks, cuts, scars, and blood that I imagine with a DE. Plus, I can't see my head as easy as my face, so shaving with less visibility is to be considered.
Head shaving goals:
Close shave is not desireable (I like stubble)
With a Schick Quattro, I can shave my head quickly, easily, safely. The only problem is the high cost of the cartridges! This is my main reason for considering DE.
Can the proper blade/razor of a DE be as easy (little required technique)/quick/safe as cartridge?
I would think we don't need the ultimate close shave (I prefer some stubble), so is there anything that cuts good, but a lot more emphasis on forgiveness? Something less aggressive than a face shave?
I'm thinking there might be a shaver that is similar to clippers+guard. If there was a razor guard (is that what a comb/bar is?), that would prevent the razor from touching my skin and increase safety. Again, don't need the closest shave.
Head shaving goals:
Close shave is not desireable (I like stubble)
With a Schick Quattro, I can shave my head quickly, easily, safely. The only problem is the high cost of the cartridges! This is my main reason for considering DE.
Can the proper blade/razor of a DE be as easy (little required technique)/quick/safe as cartridge?
I would think we don't need the ultimate close shave (I prefer some stubble), so is there anything that cuts good, but a lot more emphasis on forgiveness? Something less aggressive than a face shave?
I'm thinking there might be a shaver that is similar to clippers+guard. If there was a razor guard (is that what a comb/bar is?), that would prevent the razor from touching my skin and increase safety. Again, don't need the closest shave.