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Head Blade Users

I know a lot of guys on B&B are anti Head Blade. However, seeing as how I am brand new to head shaving, I figure the Head Blade may be a good option for me. Head shaves are something I really want to get done as quickly as possible. Right now my DE kr straight aren't even an option for my head. So for al the Head Blade users out there, what are your opinions on it. For the price it seems worth a try. Any feedback is appreciated.
I used it for awhile, and it gave me confidence that I could shave my scalp without bleeding out. I like the fact that it bends to the contour of your skull, as the scalp is very unforgiving. I suggest you go for it, and gradually work your regular razor, whatever it may be, into your head shave. Enjoy your shaves!
I tried one several years ago and didn't really like it. The principle sounds great but for me it was ..... disappointing. I would suggest a cart, I like my sensor twin blade and head shave in the shower (with mirror to start, I just go by feel now). After I get out I DE shave my face. Just remember once you go with the Mister Clean look you get lots of attention, so be ready for all the new admirers.
I used it for awhile, and it gave me confidence that I could shave my scalp without bleeding out. I like the fact that it bends to the contour of your skull, as the scalp is very unforgiving. I suggest you go for it, and gradually work your regular razor, whatever it may be, into your head shave. Enjoy your shaves!

So what didn't you like about the Head Blade as opp to the cart? I use a mach 3 and it does ok ( I've only shaved my head twice) but the Head Blade seems quicker and easier.
I've used a HeadBlade sport for years. I still prefer using it to any other kind of razor on my head. I use knockoff Trac II carts in mine, although the carts HeadBlade makes are top notch.

It takes a while to get the hang of using it. Two tips I found particularly useful: tilt your head forward when shaving it to create the smoothest possible surface on the back of your head, and only apply pressure to the back of the HeadBlade (the non-blade end). Use a very slick cream for best results (HeadSlick is really good, but so is the ultra-slippery shave gel from Dollar Tree).
I get better results with the Headblade, but as in all shaving situations, YMMV. One attraction of the HeadBlade for me was the fact that I could use cheap knockoff carts in it, and get an excellent shave. The HeadBlade brand carts are quite pricey, and they don't sell the two bladed cart anymore, just the three and four bladed versions (which I find much more difficult to use due to clogging). I suppose if two bladed cheapo carts go away, I'll just use a pivoting head disposable, for simplicity's sake.
Stick with the mach 3 or go to a disposable 2 blade, I can use a mach 3, fusion, or 2 blade disposable and get a 2 pass bbs in about 5 minutes.

I have been shaving my head 12 years now though, YMMV
I love the head blade so far but I only have a handful of head shaves under my belt. Seemed easier than the fusion I started with. Just my opinion.
I use the ATX with sensor 3 blades. I use it in the shower with headslick, or after a few days growth after a 2 pass with the R41. I want BBS on my head and the headblade does that for me. I did scrap the different headblade blades I got with my newbie purchase, they don't work for me. I also tried a mach3, but that required more adaptation in my technique, so I don't like that

I also think you can the same result with any razor, the ATX is just my preference.
I've got a HB sport and get excellent fast shaves using it provided my hair is short (usually do a buzz with combless clippers first if I have a few days growth). I have never had a bad experience with the HB even the first shave was great. the only other thing I use to shave my head is a g-bar and that is what I use most of the time so I can stay true to my wetshaving lifestyle.

I'm using original HB carts and easily get 10+ shaves out of each one so the cost per shave is not a concern.
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