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Having a small issue with my first set of scales could use a bit of guidance.

So I got some acrylic and made a pair of scales for my Shumate razor I restored recently. I set the front pin all went well better than I expected it to go. Anyway I mocked up the razor and it is siting to the left and hitting the scales. I used a dremel drill press set up to drill the hole while the two pieces were still glued together so it should be good and appears so. I'm trying to trouble shoot the problem but cant come up with anything. Could it be my wedge? Is there a way to compensate for this when peining the pivot? I would be great full for any help on the issue that anyone can offer.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
It could be your wedge. It could be the tang of the razor is a little bent. Have you tried mocking it up with the wedge upside down?

To check if your holes are straight put the two halves together and put a long 1/16 rod through the holes in both. You should quickly see if the rod is at an angle in relation to the scales.
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B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Good advice. If your wedge is glued peening won't be able to resolve the issue. What you would want to do is force the scales to move opposite of each other to center the blade.

Taking Legions advice you might find the rod through the pivot holes aren't at right angles to the scales. By moving the scales parallel to each other in opposite directions to each other you can get the rod to square up.

In practice you would open the razor all the way, flex the scales and tap the pivot in the direction you want the scale to move.

At 7:15 you can see the guy flex the scales as he hits the pivot...

The holes appear straight. I don't have any micro fasteners yet (I've got someone sending me a few sets) so I went ahead and pinned the wedge side. Then just mocked up the pivot and pinched it tight. Could it just be that it seems off because it's not tightened all the way up?

Edit:The wedge is not glued as I thought for a first try I may need to take them apart a few times. I'll watch the video and see what you're talking about.
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B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Could be the pivot hole, or a bent tang. Peen it up and see. Some degree of adjustment is available to you as I posted above. You can also add washers on one side to compensate too. If the pivot hole is bigger than the rod it should self center a bit.
I see how he gave it a little bend while tightening it. I though something like that would be how to make adjustments but couldn't visualize how it would be done. Pretty simple when you see it.
Kentos that little video and info from here and elsewhere made all the difference I'll be posting some pictures later. Thanks everyone!
At 7:15 you can see the guy flex the scales as he hits the pivot...

Wow... hits the pivot is right. No peening there. He smacks the crap out of it.

Edit: Also... has anyone ever received a Dovo from the factory that would pop hairs like the video showed? I have three and they all required quite a bit of honing to get them sharp.

In any case, it is still a neat video. I thought I saw an English language version of that somewhere.

Edit2: And I want that grinder/shaper.
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