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I'm always looking for anything to make my face feel better after a shave, and I was looking through a nutrition catalog where I've ordered from before. I came across Jojoba oil that was touted as an aftershave moisturizer. I've never used this oil, but I ordered a bottle to try it out. Has anyone used it in this manner? If so do you like it? It wasn't expensive and I like the moisturizing aspects of it.
Strangely I have! I keep a bottle of organic Jojoba oil to oil my wooden ear plugs and the container state it was good for the skin, so I gave it a whirl a few times. I felt like it absorbed quickly and was adequate, but for the price of a 1oz bottle I keep to using traditional ASB. YMMV of course.
My favorite ASBs have jojoba oil in them. It's one of the main ingredients I look for when purchasing face stuff.
Do it! Jojoba oil is a naturally occurring oil that most closely mimics the natural oils on your face and scalp (called sebum). If you use this as a moisturizer it will help balance your bodies production of sebum and control oil and shine, help treat and prevent pimples, and absorb deeply and effectively into the skin leaving it soft. I use this as part of my daily skin care routine and i've never looked back. Hope that helps. :blush:
Do it! Jojoba oil is a naturally occurring oil that most closely mimics the natural oils on your face and scalp (called sebum). If you use this as a moisturizer it will help balance your bodies production of sebum and control oil and shine, help treat and prevent pimples, and absorb deeply and effectively into the skin leaving it soft. I use this as part of my daily skin care routine and i've never looked back. Hope that helps. :blush:

I'm looking forward to getting and using it. I like the fact that its not greasy, and gets absorbed quickly and completely.
I use Jojoba oil for this purpose. I also rub it into my beard and moustache when I'm bearded and moustachioed. It feels nice on the skin.

My favorite ASBs have jojoba oil in them. It's one of the main ingredients I look for when purchasing face stuff.

jpipes3, which ASBs with Jojoba do you like?

Strangely I have! I keep a bottle of organic Jojoba oil to oil my wooden ear plugs and the container state it was good for the skin, so I gave it a whirl a few times. I felt like it absorbed quickly and was adequate, but for the price of a 1oz bottle I keep to using traditional ASB. YMMV of course.

There are earplugs made of wood? I must look this up.
jpipes3, which ASBs with Jojoba do you like?
Crown Shaving ASB and Gilbert Henry Bay Rum ASB both have it in there. Wm. Neumann ABSs also have a very similar formula to Gilbert Henry, and they offer a lot more scents. Ernest Supplies Protective Matte Moisturizer is another. It isn't considered an ASB, but it's probably my holy grail of face moisturizers. Has jojoba oil higher on the ingredient list than the others. Plus it has a nice cooling effect from eucalyptus.
Crown Shaving ASB and Gilbert Henry Bay Rum ASB both have it in there. Wm. Neumann ABSs also have a very similar formula to Gilbert Henry, and they offer a lot more scents. Ernest Supplies Protective Matte Moisturizer is another. It isn't considered an ASB, but it's probably my holy grail of face moisturizers. Has jojoba oil higher on the ingredient list than the others. Plus it has a nice cooling effect from eucalyptus.

Fantastic. I use the Crown stuff most every shave. It's great. I'll look up these others.
Have not used it straight up, generally jojoba is mixed with other ingredients. It is very good for skin, especially in harsh or windy weather. It is also in many of your better beard oils.
I use jojoba as a pre-shave occasionally. I like that it has no scent and it's pretty close to sebum. Fun Fact: It's actually a wax.
Just remembered... GoodFellas is another balm with great ingredients. Aloe vera gel, witch hazel, and jojoba oil are the first three.
my sister used to swear by ths stuff almost as much as olive oil. she used jojoba for her hair and skin. she says it's literally skin in a bottle- absorbs quickly.
its also found, like many said, in facial moisturizers.
I use jojoba oil as a facial moisturizer everyday. I decanted mine into a bottle with a dropper and 3 drops rubbed in the hands and applied to a moist face works very well for me. I also mix a couple of drops of jojoba oil in my palm with any AS splash I find too drying and it works great.
Does Jojoba have a strong scent, like patchouli or other types of 'hippie oils'? I might be persuaded to try it if it were not too smelly. As of now I use Proraso prepost cream as an aftershave, I love the scent and it's got a great cooling menthol feel, but my face does feel somewhat parched sometimes even so.
It feels great to listen that your problem is solved.Well i have never tried that before like you but i hope it works good I will surely try on that and see what effect it has on me.Hope that i will also have a nice experience.Kindly can you tell me from where i can get this Jojoba oil ??? .Thanks for sharing.

Any health food store, or online.

Does Jojoba have a strong scent, like patchouli or other types of 'hippie oils'? I might be persuaded to try it if it were not too smelly. As of now I use Proraso prepost cream as an aftershave, I love the scent and it's got a great cooling menthol feel, but my face does feel somewhat parched sometimes even so.

No smell at all. Use it first, and then use any AS or cologne.
I read "Leisureguy's Guide to Gourmet Shaving" and since he suggested using Jojoba oil, I picked some up. I haven't tried it yet, but many people said it had promising results.
Thanks - I said I was dome but here comes another purchase. Lately my face has been very tight right after a shave and I'm hoping that this will help.
Is it jojoba oil anything like aloe gel?
I find aloe also soaks in pretty fast but leaves my face tacky and then over the following hours, it gets REALLY oily and shiny. I have oil prone skin and don't want anything that worsens it.
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