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Have you tried a straight?

Have you ever shaved with a straight?

  • Never tried. Don't want to try.

  • Thought about it but never tried it.

  • Tried it. Didn't like it.

  • Trying it now. Jury's still out.

  • Yeah, I shave with a straight, but only part of the time.

  • Tried it. Love it. Made the switch.

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I figure it was bound to happen sooner or later. While I get great results from my DE, I couldn't help but wonder if I could achieve this next level of Zen shaving often referred to as using a straight. While I'm still learning, I must admit that there are times I enjoy working with a straight and there are times I can't help but think, "what the hell am I doing with this thing?" I think I'm reaching that fork in the shaving road where I think on the one hand, "ah, just stick with your DE, it's so much easier" and on the other hand, "remain on the path grasshopper, you will attain a higher level".

Figuring I'm not the first to reach fork, I thought I'd ask who else has been here and which path did you take?
I figure it was bound to happen sooner or later. While I get great results from my DE, I couldn't help but wonder if I could achieve this next level of Zen shaving often referred to as using a straight. While I'm still learning, I must admit that there are times I enjoy working with a straight and there are times I can't help but think, "what the hell am I doing with this thing?" I think I'm reaching that fork in the shaving road where I think on the one hand, "ah, just stick with your DE, it's so much easier" and on the other hand, "remain on the path grasshopper, you will attain a higher level".

Figuring I'm not the first to reach fork, I thought I'd ask who else has been here and which path did you take?

Oddly enough, my first straight shave was this morning (which went ghastly) and considering that it takes me 20 mins to get a BBS shave everyday with a DE I was quickly and strongly impressed with the learning curve. I chose to soldier on, but man I remember thinking mid-neck "I would be done now with my Merkur barberpole and the shave would not look like I got in a fight with edward scissorhands"
With mastering a straight you will reach a higher level of concentration. And you'll learn to respect sharp blades but aswell lose the fear thereof.

Personally I don't regret having invested some money and from time to time shave with a straight. It's an art I'd like to maintain but as of yet I'm not planning on switching completely.
Shaved with a DE for about 7 months and decided to try the straight. Coming up two weeks now, and I'm hooked, its a blast. I've converted to straight shaving, but I use my DE to finish off my shave until my technique gets better.
I tried it out of curiosity for about a month. I actually got a close shave but I am impatient and want to get the shave over as soon as possible. I went back to DE.
Just started up with the DE. I'll work on it over the next year, but eventually I'd like to try a straight.
i still use my trusting Slim for touch up, or delicate work (in between the mustache and chin- I wear a van dyke beard) but my main razor is a 7/8 stainless straight. after I made the switch, I've never looked back!
Uh...yeah. Tried straights, use straight and will continue to use straights. I don't even own anything else to shave with other than straights. Fewer cuts, faster, closer and more comfortable shaves. What's to dislike?
Uh...yeah. Tried straights, use straight and will continue to use straights. I don't even own anything else to shave with other than straights. Fewer cuts, faster, closer and more comfortable shaves. What's to dislike?

What he said.

Actually, if the implication of the poll is a switch from DEs, that is not true for me. I went from electric to straights and have basically never looked back.

Every couple of months or so I will "shave" with the electric to save time. I put "shave" in quotes because it is when I am in a hurry and I am basically just beating back the stubble a bit in order to look slightly presentable. On the other hand, I am not completely down on electrics either. They were a heck of easier on my skin than were double and up tracked razors with gel!

But I am very committed to straights. They are lots of fun and it was lots of fun leaning how to use one well. It is very Zen, just light everyone says!
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I use only a straight -- can't imagine using anything else. I shave every day of the week. I start my day with a good shave -- it's a Zen experience that helps me get in a good frame of mind to face the day.:thumbup:


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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I'm on the edge of switching for a straight. I still use my DE but I prefer the straights... I should sell some of my DE as I don't use all of them...

Eventually, I will make a complete switch. I will probably keep a DE in case of...
I'm two shaves in. I like it, but still working out the kinks. Fortunately, I shave my head, so I still get to use my DE's on the nugget.
I currently have three straights in my rotation. I use everything, SE, DE, str8. Hell, I shaved with a Rolls razor this morning. I doubt that I could ever use one type exclusively. I do really like straight razor shaving and use them aout half the time.
Voted - Yeah, I shave with a straight, but only part of the time.

I enjoy my DE collection too much to not use them.
I've made a fairly easy transition to straights. I still keep a couple DE's that were my favorites for times when I'm in a super rush or am feeling off, but straights have given me a lot better shaves with less effort the more I delve into them. :thumbup1:
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