A sponge or a damp, folded, small towel works wonders.Easy.
Id also advise you use a sponge. I only rinse the razor when finishing.
I'm not an expert, but I think that any of the honemeisters could easily fix this for you. It should be a bevel reset until fresh steel and then a sharpen.
I'm sure one of the more experienced members will be along shortly to give you their opinion.
On the positive side, at least the extraneous movement was not when the razor was against your face or throat.
A sponge or a damp, folded, small towel works wonders.
And could save you from doing a very expensive mistake.
Can I just warn people to be careful when using a sponge to wipe their razor. I did on Saturday and cut a fairly deep gash in my finger. I think that the sponge was softer than I thought and I applied too much pressure to it and my finger folded under the blade as I was wiping it clean. No one to blame except my own stupidity but it's easily done. I could have probably done with a stitch or two in it but I put a gauze pad on it and wrapped it tightly in tape and although it still throbs it seems to be OK.
I was shaving tonight before dinner, blood sugar low, baby screaming, dog getting into trouble ...
Was rinsing the razor under the tap and accidentally knocked it on the faucet .... grrrr.
Could the likes of Lynn Abrams fix this for me ?
They are just doing it for spite, giving him false hope of being able to save it.
what ever happened to the good old B&B sense of humour? Why, back in The Day, this thread would be crawling with "oh man you ruined your razor send it to me for proper disposal" posts.
But now, everyone's so serious about trying to actually help the guy. sheesh.
That thing is ruined. Wasted.
But since I'm a Good Man, I'll help you out. Just send it to me & I'll send you a good, brand spanking new ZEEPK instead.