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Hat wearers: what is your favorite office hat rack?

Let's say you are going somewhere where you must remove your hat (the dentist, the office etc.), what type rack, hook, or shelf do you like to see?

What says "hat wearers were thought of here"?

What are your most and least favorite place to hang a hat?

Stories and pictures would be welcome.


Now half as wise
I'll take whatever I can get. The vast majority of establishments don't have any kind of rack, and I end up looking for anyplace where it won't get crushed.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
I'll take whatever I can get. The vast majority of establishments don't have any kind of rack, and I end up looking for anyplace where it won't get crushed.

No doubt!

Anything that works is appreciated.
I'll take whatever I can get. The vast majority of establishments don't have any kind of rack, and I end up looking for anyplace where it won't get crushed.

No doubt!

Anything that works is appreciated.

That is just my point, there has been nothing for so long that it is tough to decide what to put up.

Proper hats seem to be making a comeback and I'd like to get it right.

Bent wooden hooks, open shelves (don't collect dust), and knobby metal hooks such as these, are some options:

I figured that some hat-wearers here would have "secret" incite as to what constitutes a preferred hat rack.

Then again, perhaps I'm over-thinking things (wouldn't be the first time):blush:


Now half as wise
Ahhh, I misunderstood your question. Given the choice I prefer the open rack. Since this will be in your office the hooks will work as well (this is what was in my office) but in public you have to be careful if the hooks are close together. Someone else comes along and places a bulky coat halfway across the hat without even thinking about it.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
... it is tough to decide what to put up. Proper hats seem to be making a comeback and I'd like to get it right.

I guess the open shelf is a good idea, as it can't be mistaken for a coat rack. And sometimes the little hooks that come out from the wall are too insubstantial to hold a hat well, and the fedora ends up lounging on the floor.
There are several of the free standing type racks placed around our local Cracker Barrel. Just a fun fact!
I believe I read somewhere that if their is no proper way to store your hat at an establishment you may leave it on your head and wear it at a rakish angle, the depth of with depends on your displeasure.
Thank-you all very much for your comments thus far.

Good point about hook spacing and hats being crushed by inconsiderate others...gotta plan for everything these days.

By the way, I'm not limiting my choices the the ones pictured, they were just quick Google search results, if you have other suggestions please don't hesitate to show them. If you have an preference between wood, metal, plastic, or other, please say so.

I've always liked the look of the free standing ones (fancy old ones that double as umbrella holders with a drip dish at the bottom) but they do take-up a lot of floor space.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Hooks = bad

Particularly those "school coat rack" type hooks. They poke your hat and can leave a mark over time.

Best is the Ball End type pegs, the larger the ball the better.
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