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Handlebar Mustache? Share your lip!

It has become clear that there are quite a few members on this board with an interest in the classic Handlebar Mustache. At the same time, it's become clear that quite a few members currently sport a classic Handlebar Mustache. I wanted to start this thread with two aims in mind: 1. A resource for new handlebar growers interested in tips and tricks. 2. A place where guys can show off their Handlebars that they've worked so hard to grow.

Here's the format:

1. Picture. (come on, we all love pictures)
2. How long have you been growing your handlebar?
3. What wax do you use and why?
4. What, if any, is your trimming routine?
5. Any advice for new growers.

Thanks and Enjoy!

Ps: I will be adding "Handlebar" to my signature.
I guess I should start.

I am currently in the process of growing and training my first Handlebar.

- I started on December 8th. (Currently on Day 50.)

- I use Oregon Wild Hair wax on my entire mustache. I curl "just the tips" with Firehouse Wacky Tacky. I have tried Bounders, but I don't enjoy the smell.

- So far I have tried to take the advice of others and I have done minimal trimming. The small trimming that I've done has been "underneath" the furthest ends where I'm trying to start the curl.

- I am new, so obviously I have no advice for new growers. I will say that I am grateful for the great advice that I have received here on B&B.

Thanks! More pics to come.

Ok. My daughter is doing a photography project for school. She needed portraits. I wanted some pictures taken of the handlebar, so we put 2 and 2 together. Here's a few pics that she took.






Great pics, your moustache is coming along nicely.
I use Got2B Glued spiking glue more than I use wax, but when I do I really like Mr Kings Marvelllous Moustache Wax.
I stopped trimming several months ago, slowly trying to get the center hairs longer.



Well, I have been at mine for about 1 year. In that time, I have only trimmed the odd "stray" ~ maybe twice in total. I use an array of waxes, but when I was in training I used only a glue stick! Depending on the day, I still use a glue stick on the entrire mousatche, or just the tips. Of all the waxes I've used so far, I would have to say that Firehouse "TACKY" is my go to wax, but Capt. Fawcett's is a close second. All I can tell the new moustache grower's is to trim nothing! Let it go all caveman for awhile. As it grows out you'll have a lot more to play with. $DSCF3227.jpg$DSCF3230.jpg


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Smoking a corn dog in aviators and a top hat
Great handlebars, guys. Maybe I should grow one. It would look great with my bowler.


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Great pics Penmanship. Thanks for sharing those!

the guy is going to go blind playing with that thing all day...he's constantly swirling it, waxing it, twirling it, getting the girls to look at it.....

and yes, I'm talking about his moustache :thumbup:

** but yes, even I am jealous of his moustache. It is one glorious moustache **
Thought I would throw mine in here, he's only new so be gentle lol

I have been growin a mo for ages but have kept it trimmed, so no idea how long since the last trimming. But will be following the no trim guidelines form now on.

I have literally only been doing it for about a week. So far using the Schwartzkoff spiking glue and an Elmer's glue stick. I have some FOAD in the mail, but am thinking some wack tacky might be on the cards.


Also don't mind the unshaven face, it's a public holiday here :blush:

anyone one the fence should give it a go, I love mine!
I'm having a tough time adding images via the mobile site but I'll throw in. I don't do a ton of curling on it, I just kind of let it do its thing. I do use some Suave styling paste on it or some Burt's Bees in a pinch.

I have literally only been doing it for about a week.


anyone one the fence should give it a go, I love mine!

Looking solid. One week in and your curled up an ready to go! I wish my hair grew that fast.

I agree with your advice regarding those on the fence.
Hey Rob. Here is the Savage Stache. I started from a doughnut so I had a bit of a head start. Trimmed in the landing strip and shaved up under the ends. I've been growing it out and training it for around 5 weeks. I've been using Pinaud and some other tube wax that I got at Rite Aid for training. I guess I should use some of that cash I've been buying razors with and apply some to proper wax. I use glue stick when I'm playing a gig or out on the town. I met a guy at work that has been growing one for 3 years. His was at least 6 inches on each side...NICE. My facial hair grows pretty fast so I'm thinking mine will be looking pretty good in a couple months. I have only trimmed an odd hair here and there. I don't want to trim anything at all. When I started this I did some research and most advise said DO NOT TRIM...When I comb it down it already covers my entire mouth.

Looking solid. One week in and your curled up an ready to go! I wish my hair grew that fast.

I agree with your advice regarding those on the fence.

Sorry should quantify that statement. I had a semi horse-shoe thing, and I trimmed some of the stuff below the lip-line and curled the rest up.

Now if I could grow that in a week I would be some sort of Demi-god!
I decided to make things official. I submitted an application for membership in The Handlebar Club.

The qualification for membership is:
"a hirsute appendage of the upper lip, with graspable extremities"
and in addition, we specify that beards are not allowed.

This morning my application was approved. I have paid my annual dues and I am now an official Full Member. My picture and bio will be added to their website in due time. My "Members Only" Silk Tie is in the mail.

One might ask, "Why join a London based moustache club if you live in the US?" Well, I thought they looked like a good group of guys. They use their shared passion for handlebar moustaches as a way to raise funds for different charities. They are woking to keep a classic tradition alive. I support that. Who knows, maybe I'll use this as an excuse to travel to London.

Here is a link to their website: http://www.handlebarclub.co.uk/index.php

Here is a link to a short documentary about the club: "Graspable Extremities" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKAKk83ws88
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