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Is anyone here into Halloween? Many of our neighbors last year had coolers out and if you were the lucky parent walking your kids you got a beer and they got candy : ) Do any of you dress each year or do family themes? We are trying to find something fun to dress as this year.
My avatar wants me to ask what neighborhood you live in! He is a sucker for free beer! My neighborhood is pretty boring by comparison. :biggrin:
Is anyone here into Halloween? Many of our neighbors last year had coolers out and if you were the lucky parent walking your kids you got a beer and they got candy : ) Do any of you dress each year or do family themes? We are trying to find something fun to dress as this year.

I'm thinking I need to start a new tradition this year. Bringing the kids to St. Charles for Halloween...
Is anyone here into Halloween? Many of our neighbors last year had coolers out and if you were the lucky parent walking your kids you got a beer and they got candy : ) Do any of you dress each year or do family themes? We are trying to find something fun to dress as this year.


We go all out at my house for Halloween...a grave yard scene set up in the yard (w/black lights), 7 ft grim reaper on the porch, hanging skeletons, spiderwebs everywhere. Haunted house sound effects through a multiple speaker system, motion triggered effects, and special lighting. We all dress up and hand out candy to the kids. We also have a beer or two for people we know from the neighborhood. It is so much fun and it keeps getting better evey year. I think whats most rewarding is all of the people that come from other neighbor hoods just to see what we're doing this year.

On a seperate note, I recieved the shaving soap and New spice cologne a couple of weeks ago...I have recieved many positive comments. Thanks for the great service and the sample soap. It is wonderful to have a neighbor across the state with such wonderful products :lol:
I love Halloween. Along with St. Patrick's Day, my favorite two holidays of the year. Which is not to say that I don't like Christmas, Thanksgiving and the rest. But there's an excitement to these two that I don't feel with the other ones. Maybe it's the undercurrent of tension, like there's something wild just beneath the surface.

Unfortunately, I'm not going to be home this year for Halloween. Otherwise we always do something. Occasionally we'll have a movie party for friends (we always spend the month leading up to Halloween watching horror movies anyway); sometimes we'll just sit up and read scary stories to one another. Our best movie themes so far have been hipster vampire (Nadja, The Addiction and Habit) and DTV Bigfoot, but Universal classics was good too. If I'm really feeling it, we'll do all that over a couple of nights. House rule: costumes must be frightening. No princesses, cuddly animals or pop stars.

This year, my family is scattered over three continents. We've been talking about what to do--maybe read stories via Skype (Poe and Lovecraft) as well as pick some movies and all watch them on the same day. Man, I love Halloween!
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This year I'm dressing up as The Nid Hog. Might show up at his house to see if the costume's any good, at least if I don't go to the parade in Green-Witch Village.
Unfortunately, I'm not going to be home this year for Halloween.

Reservations at Exham Priory?

I've always loved Halloween, but so many people here are such killjoys about it. If you continue to dress up past 8th grade, the people at the houses make annoying comments. As the years pass, more and more people just don't do anything at all even for their kids. Buncha losers :thumbdown

Now that I am well beyond trick-or-treating age, I love to completely deck out the house, and give out candy in the scariest costume I can manage. Last year in the new house was especially fun for the neighborhood because this house has not been decorated for over 20 years. We had carved pumpkins lining the steps, and a motion-activated skull that would moan and scream when anyone came close. There were spider webs, spider lights, and I placed a fog machine to fill the driveway with mist. When the kids would come to the door, my housemates would give them the first treat as I emerged from the mist wearing this:

and brandishing a second candy bowl. The brave ones got more candy.

We go all out at my house for Halloween...a grave yard scene set up in the yard (w/black lights), 7 ft grim reaper on the porch, hanging skeletons, spiderwebs everywhere. Haunted house sound effects through a multiple speaker system, motion triggered effects, and special lighting. We all dress up and hand out candy to the kids.

This sounds like my brothers house. He takes Halloween seriously. We decorate here but not too extreme. My brother has several man size goblins etc. He dresses up in a costume similar to the statues he has then stands real still as the kids approach and then scares them. Not the real little ones though. The little people usually will not even walk up his driveway.
My wife and I would always go all out for Halloween. Sadly she's in CA for four months for work so it won't be fun without her. Last year we each dressed up as muertos skeletons :thumbup:
We decorate and get candy (the stuff I like) for any Trick or Treaters, but haven't had any kids come by in years. We kinda live in the sticks. We used to get some neighborhood kids but since they've all grown up, not any more.
This year I'm dressing up as The Nid Hog. Might show up at his house to see if the costume's any good, at least if I don't go to the parade in Green-Witch Village.

You're more than welcome to dress up as me--just leave my soul intact. I should warn you to be careful if you go to the Village dressed as me.
Talking about giving out candy, here's a new tradition I started. For the last few years, I've been getting a fair number of kids who show up at my door without a costume. In the spirit of trick or treat, I keep a great big bowl filled with little boxes of raisins alongside the candy bowl. If you come to my house in your street clothes, you will go away disappointed but regular.
Talking about giving out candy, here's a new tradition I started. For the last few years, I've been getting a fair number of kids who show up at my door without a costume. In the spirit of trick or treat, I keep a great big bowl filled with little boxes of raisins alongside the candy bowl. If you come to my house in your street clothes, you will go away disappointed but regular.

What a great idea...they still get something (so you're not in danger of a "trick") but are disappointed.

I'm going to dress up for Halloween and if I work I'm totally going to wear my Harlequin costume!!! :thumbup:

Apparently kids come and trick or treat in the mall I work in? :blink: odd...has anyone else done that?
In our neighborhood we have a potlach and then we take the kids out for trick or treating. I will usually wear a skeleton t-shirt or a jack-o'-lantern t-shirt. It is also my favorite holiday.
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