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Halloween Costumes...

I was just curious as to what the fine gents here at B&B like to wear for halloween. Do you go way out of your personality, and go wild, or do you stay classy and vintage as I would expect for men of the era?

So let's hear it guys... what are you going to be this year, and what it your favorite outfit in the past?
I'll see your "middle aged guy with an obsessive hobby", and I'll raise you a sleep deprived father of two small kids who has neither the time nor energy to come up with a creative costume.
Wow... those all sound oddly familiar to me :biggrin:. I was hoping to break out of the overworked, " I don't have time" type of stereotype this year. Anyone else have any great ideas?

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
I told my fiancee that I was just going to carry around a hot dog in a beer mug...Frank in Stein! She didn't think it was as cleaver as I did.
Thinking about Horatio Caine from CSI Miami.... I'm going to have three pairs of sunglasses, one pair on my face, the other pair on top of those, and one pair clipped to my shirt.
Hugh Hefner is the perfect costume, You wear pajamas, slippers and walk around with a mixed drink. When you get home you just kick off the slippers go to bed, No changing required as you are already in your pj's
Hugh Hefner is the perfect costume, You wear pajamas, slippers and walk around with a mixed drink. When you get home you just kick off the slippers go to bed, No changing required as you are already in your pj's

Where do you purchase the two large chested lovelies you are required to have, from?

Tony Montana aka Scarface


The gun was the hardest part to locate...they don't make toy guns for the kids to play with no more, at least not up in MTL...:lol::lol:
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