3 questions guys.
1) I need a new hair "gel" and I use that term "gel" loosely. The old ones I've been using haven't been bad but if i were to describe them, they seem like "water-based gels" meaning they make my hair look a BIT wet (but it does get better after a while). Its not too bad of a problem but I asked a friend of mine and he told me to look into things like polmade. After looking up what that is, it seems exactly like wax/vasoline.
What I'm looking for is a hair "gel" that won't make my hair look too wet or greasy, has a strong mold to hold my hair (which is about average length), and doesn't permeate any female fragrance nor an extremely strong one... I've heard a lot of good things about Crew Fiber (specifically from these threads: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=169694 and another one).
Are there any other ones you gentlemen would recommend that possibly fits the bill any better?
2) my second question is about shampoo. As i mentioned, my hair is about average length. pressing down on it, it probably is just short of covering my forehead. The minor problem I am having is that i would prefer to shampoo everyday. However, whenever i do, and dry my hair, its just too light and has no density to it to stay in a single spot. Thus, I have to wait about 2 or 3 days before I can really bend and move my hair. Is there any kind of shampoo that takes this into consideration so that it removes all the filth but also leaves some sort of "mineral" that gives hair density?
3) my final question is about facial sweat. during the day, after a couple of hours from washing, my face becomes sweaty and shiny. now, its not that big of a problem but is there any kind of non-female substance that can take care of this? whether it be controlling the sweat problem or masking it (with soap or anything)? again, i don't mind going to the bathroom to wash up, so if the only solution is to use some kind of mascara (or w/e the females use), then i'll pass due to the preservation of my pride haha. but if there is some kind of well-known product that is specifically tailored for men and that i'm not aware of, i'd love to know it.
I am writing this at 2 am so if there are any blatant errors in grammar or posterity, please excuse me.
Also, I reside in New York, so if there are any retail stores I can find this stuff at, that would be great!!!
OH and one last thing, lets try to keep these items fairly cheap please.
Thank you VERY much,
1) I need a new hair "gel" and I use that term "gel" loosely. The old ones I've been using haven't been bad but if i were to describe them, they seem like "water-based gels" meaning they make my hair look a BIT wet (but it does get better after a while). Its not too bad of a problem but I asked a friend of mine and he told me to look into things like polmade. After looking up what that is, it seems exactly like wax/vasoline.
What I'm looking for is a hair "gel" that won't make my hair look too wet or greasy, has a strong mold to hold my hair (which is about average length), and doesn't permeate any female fragrance nor an extremely strong one... I've heard a lot of good things about Crew Fiber (specifically from these threads: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=169694 and another one).
Are there any other ones you gentlemen would recommend that possibly fits the bill any better?
2) my second question is about shampoo. As i mentioned, my hair is about average length. pressing down on it, it probably is just short of covering my forehead. The minor problem I am having is that i would prefer to shampoo everyday. However, whenever i do, and dry my hair, its just too light and has no density to it to stay in a single spot. Thus, I have to wait about 2 or 3 days before I can really bend and move my hair. Is there any kind of shampoo that takes this into consideration so that it removes all the filth but also leaves some sort of "mineral" that gives hair density?
3) my final question is about facial sweat. during the day, after a couple of hours from washing, my face becomes sweaty and shiny. now, its not that big of a problem but is there any kind of non-female substance that can take care of this? whether it be controlling the sweat problem or masking it (with soap or anything)? again, i don't mind going to the bathroom to wash up, so if the only solution is to use some kind of mascara (or w/e the females use), then i'll pass due to the preservation of my pride haha. but if there is some kind of well-known product that is specifically tailored for men and that i'm not aware of, i'd love to know it.
I am writing this at 2 am so if there are any blatant errors in grammar or posterity, please excuse me.
Also, I reside in New York, so if there are any retail stores I can find this stuff at, that would be great!!!
OH and one last thing, lets try to keep these items fairly cheap please.
Thank you VERY much,