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Gym Etiquette

Thanks to all who responded and reminded me once again why I work out in the freedom and privacy of my own basement! I can dress how I want, use the weights I want when I want, while listening to what I want, anytime. I don't have to listen to the grunting, yelling 'Joe Bodybuilder' (or smell him either!!) I have a good set of weights, cage, and bench------that's all I need.

Whenever the thought crosses my mind to maybe join another gym I think of all the "fun" that goes along with it then I just go push some weights in the basement.
When I did belong to various gyms I hated the "sizing me up" that guys always did. Ok, yeah I am huge and you're not, go do your own crap and let me do mine.
I've got a new one I've got to add to resurrect this thread. I've observed these people for years, but never knew what to call them until recently. They are . . . "the builders."

They are "builders" because they literally build their own gym inside the gym.

Oh you know grab one of each dumbbell, couple benches, some bands, couple exercise balls, maybe even throw a stool in the mix for fun. All the while taking up half the actual gym with their own personal gym inside the gym.

I'll get in the middle of that real quick and work in if they are taking up machines. I won't take over but I'll get my workout in whether they like it or not. You will never get any issues if the person is a serious fitness guy but it is the half rep wonders that will push back.
For the most part all the pet peeves were covered by the previous replies. However, there is one that was not mentioned. I am annoyed by the "Lurkers" and "Chatters". The people that hang around making useless small talk when you work out. For example: the other day I was at the gym on the elliptical machine, it was into the last part of my routine and my intensity was high. At this point I saw one of the regulars who occasionally says hi to me and on this day he decided to stick around and talk to me. I don't even remember what he was saying because I was trying to focus on my workout. Don't get me wrong, I am a very sociable, well adjusted adult with plenty of friends, I just don't feel the need to demonstrate this when I'm at the gym, going after an intense workout. How many of you agree? Happy Shaving and working out. Sam.
there is also the "MMA" crowd at my gym.... 3 young guys 2 in decent shape and 1 a blob who talk nothing but MMA the entire time they are there... who is tougher than who... how to properly take down someone... how to punch/kick/knee strike/etc... and on and on at pretty much total volume..... with the requisite shadow kicking and punching....

makes ya wanna smack em one just to shut em up...
Everything about gyms annoys me. That's why I bought an Olympic weight set a few kettlebells and I workout in my garage. No wannabe personal trainers "helping" me with my form. Hey, if I wanted you're opinion on how I should lift Id shoot myself!
Are any of you guys actually focusing on your workouts, or just what others around you are doing? Put your headphones in and worry about why youre there and nobody will bother you.
Are any of you guys actually focusing on your workouts, or just what others around you are doing? Put your headphones in and worry about why youre there and nobody will bother you.

+1 other than sweaty guys (i don't mind the girls) leaving the flat bench drenched in sweat i could care less what everyone does in my gym. Most of the members at my gym are senior citizens and are more concerned with Cardio equipment anyway. So i get to do circuits on 2 pieces of equipment without being rude to someone. Besides when i do get around other lifters it's a great way to learn new ideas to rack my body until it bleeds...and love every second of it!
I have started working out in my shed because of most everything mentioned. My #1 complaint, which may be listed somewhere, was the random guys who wanted to offer free advise on how to do an exercise better. Espeically when I see those guys throwing weight around using momentum instead of technique and muscle. "If you do it this way you can get way better results and do way more weight."

"Yeah, and blow a disc in the process!!"

If you are a trainer there, great, give me a tip. If not, don't!
there is also the "MMA" crowd at my gym.... 3 young guys 2 in decent shape and 1 a blob who talk nothing but MMA the entire time they are there... who is tougher than who... how to properly take down someone... how to punch/kick/knee strike/etc... and on and on at pretty much total volume..... with the requisite shadow kicking and punching....

makes ya wanna smack em one just to shut em up...

just tell them your 9mm wins, no contest.:001_tongu
People who load the weight trees incorrectly - there is nothing worse than having to pull off 5 20kg plates to get to the 25 right at the back because some asswipe couldn't put the 20s on a different side.

At least he put them back...sorta
yes, it is an irritation.

Here are my pet peeves at the gym

1) People who don't wipe the equipment down after they use it.

2) People who don't return equipment to there proper place. i.e. Dumbells to the dumbell rack, weights to the proper rack, attachments to there proper place, etc.

3) Disrespect (talking on your cell phone while walking on a treadmill, hoging the equipment, grunting and yelling with each rep and dropping the equipment to the floor) if the weights are that heavy get a spotter or use lighter weights with more reps.

4) Trying to talk to me about the stupid reality show that is playing on the tv while i'm running flat out on a treadmill. I hate to be rude but come on, i'm doing all i can to stay upright much less talk while i'm running lol.

The Y I go to is pretty strict.

1) Required or they bounce you (seen it happen too!). Spray and towels provided. I will wipe before if I question the appearance of the equipment, especially in the free weight area.

2) Yea. no getting around it.

3) Cell phones are not permitted. They have bounced people for this, but they are back next week, usually without the phone, but not always.

4) I'll talk on a bike or on the track, but not on other machines or free weights.

If I am doing my wrist and forearm curls with the 8# or 15# weights don't mock me, it is therapy. Same with those funky shoulder exercises I do with the 2# or 5# weights. I have injured my shoulders and wrists enough that I don't want to again.

Yes, this is all Anywhere Gym.

My personal favorite is when I can HEAR YOUR IPOD CLEARLY over the canned music when you have the ear buds in! You are going to be deaf if you aren't already!

I'll go as far as to put other people's plates and dumbells back on the weight rack because the workers at the Y i go to are either Senior Citizens or teenage girls sonit's either put them back or let those ladies do it and indon't think they want to lift on your 45lb plates.

Nobody gets booted from my Y for cellphone talking, nasty habits, or being a total A-Hole. I think they need all the members they can get. Memebership has been raised every year for the last 2 years. It's still better than me having to drive 30 miles to Golds or Powerhouse.

I can't say much about the loud music from my earbuds or Dre Beats because if i'm doing a long boring Cardio session (usually Intervals) i blast me some Heavy Metal to get through it. Otherwise if it's weights i'm doing i usually listen to nothing so i can concentrate on what i'm doing and feeling.

And yes i do have hearing damage from 15 years of loud diesel engines screaming in my ears as i work on them
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Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
In case I didn't mention it before, the guys who crowd the free-weight stacks really annoy me. They're doing their curls or whatever so close that you can't go up to the rack and get other weights.

Dude, take a couple steps back, so other guys can work out too.

1) Required or they bounce you (seen it happen too!). Spray and towels provided. I will wipe before if I question the appearance of the equipment, especially in the free weight area.

I really think the 'rule' should be you wipe down the machine to your standard of cleanliness before you use it.

If I am doing my wrist and forearm curls with the 8# or 15# weights don't mock me, it is therapy. Same with those funky shoulder exercises I do with the 2# or 5# weights. I have injured my shoulders and wrists enough that I don't want to again.

No mockery from me. First, I know firsthand that light weights used properly can cause just as much burn as heavy weights. (A buddy of mine and I spend a year or so working out at the gym before work a while back. One of our 'favourite' exercises that we'd do toward the end of our workouts was what we called "TWP", which stood for "tiny weights of pain". :ohmy:)

Second, dude, you actually show up and are doing what you need to do and what you can do to make yourself healthy. Kudos.

My personal favorite is when I can HEAR YOUR IPOD CLEARLY over the canned music when you have the ear buds in! You are going to be deaf if you aren't already!

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