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Grey Flannel redux: my take on it

I got a sample of Grey Flannel from Chuck and have had a chance to use it a few times. I know this is old hat to most of you, but (believe it or not) this is entirely new to me. I never used it in the past and was not aware of anybody else I know using it.

1) Smelling it in the bottle. It has a really powerful scent that is somewhat acrid. If you take a big whiff it will make you turn your head back and to the side a bit. Not particularly good.

2) Initial smell after application. It is very potent and somewhat "off." Almost sour. To me it is not a pleasant smell. Almost, but not quite, repulsive.

3) 15-20 minutes later. At this point the stuff starts to smell pretty good. The initial overly powerful acrid smell has pretty much disappeared, revealing some interesting and somewhat pleasant smells beneath. Not too bad.

4) 30 min-3 hours later. Now, for no apparent reason, the stuff smell amazingly good. I can't describe it, nor can I tell you why I like it so much, but it's just an intoxicating smell to me. It is mind-boggling how much it improves from initial application to the 30-minute mark. Almost unfathomable.

5) 3+ hours until it's gone completely. From 3 hours onward the scent begins to fade considerably, and to my nose it morphs one more time, this time from amazing to just pleasant. It maintains, however, a very likable, unobtrusive, soft scent during this time period that is the complete, absolute opposite of its initial blast. Nice, but subtle, and it has lost whatever it is that I like so much about the middle period notes.

Anyway, sorry this was so long. As I said this is my first experience with Grey Flannel. I've never worn anything that changes so much and that goes to such extremes; to me it goes from something that borders on stinky to something that borders on greatness in a matter of about 30 minutes. I think the payoff is worth the initial unpleasantness. As always, YMMV.
The more interesting frags are like what you describe, where there is a nice and varied presentation of top, middle and base notes rather than a linear dry down.
Grey Flannel is a classic for sure. Although I wore it for years after it was introduced, I've only enjoyed a small sample recently. But that small sample brought back many memories and reminded me just how unique it is.

I'm not sure even at the opening if I get acrid, but powerful is certainly a fitting adjective. It's very citrusy but not too sour or overly sweet like desserts or juices, more like citrus plants. It is powerful for an hour or so but like you noted, dries down to a very pleasant scent - one of those scents that surprises you with sweet whiffs when you least expect it.

It's probably not a fragrance I'll wear too regularly, but your post has motivated me to get some more for when I do! Glad you enjoyed it.
Kingfisher, I agree with your review completely. Wore my Grey Flannel yesterday following a shave with GFT violet cream. I would say my results are exactly on your time-line; and it sticks around for a good 10 hours or more on me.
I forgot to mention...

If you want to layer Grey Flannel with your shave setup, I found my C&E Nomad cream's scent to be incredibly similar to GF!:thumbup1:
I wore GF for years, then quit for some time until recently reintroducing it into my arsenal. When I bought my new bottle of EdT, I also picked up a bottle of the after shave splash which is quite nice too. For some reason, I like to use it when I shave with MWF.
Thanks for the review.

Back in he day, I didn't like GF but did like Beene's Bowling Green (and still do). As the years have passed, and reading reviews like this, I'll have to give GF another shot.
It took me a while to "get" it (read: I wore it a few times before deciding I liked it). I think it's wonderful. Like the Nid Hog, I pair it with the aftershave, but I don't link it up with a particular soap. If I did, I'd lean Trumper Violet given the violet tones in the initial blast.
Great review, kingfisher. What you are describing is what makes GF a great scent in my book. It is not an easy scent. It is not necessarily immediately appealing. There was a time when it was worn too often by too many folks. As Luca Turin says, seems a little crude at times. But scent of depth and complexity.


I am not sure I noticed all the variations, but I do agree it gets better after the initial application. With most scents I sometimes like to overdo it, and enjoy the strong scent. With GF, I never do more than 1 spray per wrist and two sprays on the chest/neck. Anything more and I start to get quesy. I also find that I try not to interact with anyone at the office for at least 30 minutes to let the GF dissipate a bit. I do enjoy its staying power. Almost as good as the Tabac EDC (which seems body heat activated).

I only use GF in the winter though. It is much too powerful for summer...and generally the wrong scent.

My comments on the AS are not as pleasant. I found the burn pretty serious and the intense nature of the fragrance (having it all over your face) a bit overpowering. I have only use the bottle twice. It will likely last much longer than my EDT bottle of GF.
You know, these GF threads pop up every so often and it makes me want to get another bottle. Then I go to the store and take a sniff and...whew. That stuff is powerful. And like the OP, I get the 'acrid' experience. Not only is sense of smell different to each person but so are our taste buds and the two are linked. I think we actually taste some of these scents and I believe it is why we pick up the acrid component more than others. This scent is VERY strong on me and I think it is why I used my bottle only three or four times. This would have been over twenty five years ago and some provisions apply. A; I probably used way too much, B; I agree this is a cold weather scent and if memory serves, I used it in the summer and the heat and humidity really made it project. Since it comes up all the time at TJMaxx dirt cheap I can grab another small atomiser and if it still doesn't work I will pay it forward to a newb.

Regards, Todd
I used it when it was introduced, a long time ago. I bought some about a year ago at Marshal's and use it regularly. It lasts all day on me and has an instant nostalgic effect on me.
I grew up smelling Grey Flannel because my dad wore it and I've always loved it. I had a bottle that lasted me quite some time, but eventually ran out. I resolved myself to use some of the newer Burberry and Armani colognes, but nothing was ever as good as Grey Flannel.

I recently found a bottle for sale in a T.J. Maxx, the only one, and swiftly bought it. I made my wife open the box in the car to make sure it was the same scent I grew up with. Sure enough, it was. I was so pleased. I haven't been able to find any since that time though.

Does anyone know where I can buy Grey Flannel products, other than in the infrequent visit to a discount store?
Gray Flannel is available on many of the on-line sites. Got mine at a Gordman's department store (much like a TJ Maxx) last winter.
Now I'm intrigued. Have a small bottle of Grey Flannel somewhere. Got to try some on again.

Bowling Green is my "go to" Christmas scent.
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