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got my first silver tip brush

ok so I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I caved in and got one off of eliterazor. there seems to be a sale going on.

the brush is beautiful. the handle made out australian coolibah, very nice.

anyhow it face lathers like a champ but when it comes to lathering cream in a bowl...forget it. it's like a vacuum. If I lather it with my tweezerman and build up a lot of lather and then put the silvertip brush in the bowl it immediately sucks up all of the lather.

am I doing something wrong or are silver tip brushes just to absorbent for lathering creams?
I have a short loft Silvertip that I custom ordered, and it sucks the Bigelows that I use on occasion right into the brush, but it's pretty generous about giving it back (I face lather both soaps and Bigelows)


post a pic. I am talking to robert at elite razors right now about a amboyan burl wood brush, 22mm and shorter loft, and maybe a slant bar razor. he does some great work, as do others here.
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That is really a nice looking brush. How many times have you used it? It is blooming really well.

And yes, my badger brushes soak up a lot more water and lather.
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