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Got a fantastic shave with a Weishi.(im not joking)

i post this thread just to understand why many peoples say that Weishi razors are so mild that you can't shave with it or get a close shave, because that's not what i just experienced 30 minutes ago, im still feeling my face,,very smooth(BBS) and no irritation.
In fact i received this morning a Weishi razor that i ordered last week.
I had no expectation from it at all, i had in mind that it could be the worst razor in my wetshaving life, i was even prepare to put it in the garbadge if it was so.
So i open the box, i see a nice little case and a lovely little razor sitting there,
but i said to myself, "dont get too enthusiast, it's suppose to be a peice of trash"
So i went in the bathroom, prepared myself for shaving, loaded the Dorco loose blade that came inside the case, and started to shave.
To be honest , i know from the first stroke if a razor/blade combo will be good or not for me.
And the first stroke under my nose told me that this razor will be a winner in my book.
I wont describe all my passes but i did my usual 3 pass , with the grain, accross the grain and against the grain and got a BBS pretty easily.
You might think i don't have a strong beard but thats totally wrong, i have a very strong one, and many razors are not able to get me close without irritation like this one does.
The only bad thing i have to say about that razor, well, the one i got, is that when i shake it too rinse the blade i hear a little rattle , its a bit annoying but doesn't affect the shave.
I give the Weishi 8/10 , 2 points down for the rattle.
The finish of the razor is perfect also, very impressed.
Compared to the Feather Popular the Weishi is way more aggressive and shaves a lot better.
All that to say i like Weishi:thumbup1:
Congrats on the great shave! Perhaps I'll pick one up second hand if it shows up on B/S/T, but currently even a Tech is far too mild for me to get an effective shaves without 4-5 passes. And BBS is almost out of the question if I want to avoid irritation.
Whenever I hear things like this it makes me want one too... I've been looking at the Weishis lately. Always hard to tell from pics, but they do look nice.
I travel a fair amount and wanted to pick up a decent travel razor. Because the Weishi seems so polarizing, I got one in gold to check out first hand.

I agree with you. I was able to get a nice shave (mini review here).

My only comment would be that you have to get the blade angle just right for best performance and there is not much room for error in that regard. Once you do, smooth sailing. And I mean smooth: this thing is very forgiving!

Much better quality than I expected as well. I am pleased with the purchase and it will make a nice travel razor.
Been meaning to try mine again. It was my first DE razor since the 1970s, and I couldn't get as close as I could with my Atra. Then I tried a Merkur, and never looked back. Now, with a bit more experience, I should give the Weishi another chance. Not likely to replace my injectors, though.
I have two of them. One is as good QC wise as they get - no problems at all. The other has one door that won't close all the way down - leaves a bit of skewed gap at the top of the head where that door is supposed to go on down but doesn't.

Both shave extremely well for me and are particularly nice if you have skin issues. The skewed door on one of mine doesn't affect its performance at all. I agree that the sweet spot on these things is exceedingly small, angles are important with these.

They are a different animal than your average vintage Gillette or even a Merkur, but for 13 bucks or so, what the heck.
I bought a Zeepk safety razor for under $5.00 on ebay. I had read here that their straights were trash, but it came with a 10 pack of personas and it was less than 5 bucks. So I ordered it. I love the thing. I don't know if I got the one in a million that is actually decent, but I use it quite frequently.

Definitely a good travel razor, as I'm not afraid to lose it. Sometimes you luck out :thumbup1:
I have (as one of the number razors I have collected) the Weishi 9306C Gun Metal TTO. It is good looking, but you have to make sure it does not pick up water spots so clean thoroughly after removing the blade. It is a mild razor and I think of it as a Tech with a TTO mechanism. I use it quite frequently when testing new blades since the mildness protects from the unknown of a new blade. It is a very good starter razor that is inexpensive so that a new DE shaver will be able to eliminate a barrier of entry into the DE market.
I'm still getting fantastic shave with my Weishi and Dorco blades, i almost can't beleive myself that these 2 items, witch don't get much love works so fine for me.
The Weishi is a beautiful piece of precision aluminium engineering. It is pretty much a straight copy of a superspeed.
It feels very, very mild. But when you get the angle right it is an amazing cutter of stubble.

Personally I think it is good for beginners (as well as more experienced shavers). Because it is so light it teaches getting the pressure right, because it is so sensitive to angle it teaches holding the razor correctly.

I read about people who can't make this razor work for them and I don't understand it, it really is a superb shaver when you learn to use it properly. Also it is very hard to come to grief with this razor, it is so easy to use.
My Weishi works fine but I enjoy my Gillette old style more. I need to rotate to my Weishi next, it probably shaves better now that I have used other razors.

Just yesterday I pulled my weishi(van der Hagen) and hadn't used it in over 2 years perhaps.

Wow, what a shave.

Didn't remember being it that good!

Yes, it is mild, but I always require 3 passes and a clean up 4th, even with the r41 amd sc tech, so haven't ever saved on passes, but what a different end result here. And no irritation.

And today, i will take out again for a spin.

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what model Weishi did you get, I've been looking at getting a cheap one for travel as well, and I see one on the amazon for like $12. I don't want to take my Gillette Super Speed on the road.
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