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Goodfella Safety Razor?

Two things I'd like to see Goodfella come out with:

1) A razor with a safety bar head

2) A razor handle with grooves at the bottom part of the handle or along the entire length of the handle. The reason for this is some people hold the razor by the tip of the handle.
Two things I'd like to see Goodfella come out with:

1) A razor with a safety bar head

2) A razor handle with grooves at the bottom part of the handle or along the entire length of the handle. The reason for this is some people hold the razor by the tip of the handle.

Actually I like the Goodfella as it is, especialy because of the open comb design. My biggest problem is paying their rather steep price without being able to hold it in my hands first. I truly understand that hand labour and quality finish pushes the price a lot, so when the Goodfella's look and fit better than the Merkurs twice the money isn't bad at all.
But I have to order one to find out so I rather wait for a couple of other members with a more burning RAD to hear what this kiwi is all about.
That's a beautiful razor. Is it plated in platinum to justify the price? Seriously, it is very good looking. If it came in a nice, matching travel case I'd might buy it. And I love the smooth handle. I don't shave with wet hands, so that wouldn't be a problem for me.

Wow, Check out their website - they want $7.95NZ for a 5 pack of Derby blades which comes out to $4.39 USD!! Do Derbys cost anywhere near that in New Zealand?
Yeah, but they come in such a nice package with their logo on it :rolleyes:
This thread has got me wondering ... If people are generally happy paying what they do for a standard, mass produced 3-piece, just how much do you think they'd consider spending on something like this? I'm assuming that as they're a small firm, they won't be able to produce them in big numbers - so that alone must add some $ for the exclusivity.
I think it would help out Kiwishaver if we talked $ rather than just saying it costs too much.
Also, has anybody seen anything like that black one before? Any idea what it's coated with?
I received a e-mail yesterday from Andrew/kiwishaver and he was concerned about the price issue.
He seemed to think that the going rate for Merkurs was $50.
I sent him a link to the razor page at Classic Shaving and pointed out that the prices for non adjustable Merkurs ranged from $27.99 to $44.99 and that Classic prices were about average.
I also suggested they add a page to the site where they tell use how and what they're made.
I also said they needed to get their product in shavers hands so we wold have something concrete to talk about besides their high price.
No reply yet.
I suspect the reason they have a shop selling them is their way of trying to get them into the hands of shavers.

I don't see the price as an issue if all I've got to go on is pictures. I've drooled over open comb razors in the b/s/t going for similar amounts and if this turned out to get rave reviews I'd consider buying it over an HD as my first brand new razor.

Someone mentioned earlier that cheap DE's are the way to go but there are cheap DE's in the big drug stores around here and no one is buying them.

In short: I won't knock it until someone else has tried it. And with the AD's around here someone will buy it even if they double the price.
i dont know, the open comb classic from merkur or the new R89 are both quite cheaper, is there anything to really excuse the price ?

also i saw the price of a pack of 100 derby blades on the website, its more then double the price here in the EU, actually, i think it goes close to triple,

it seems widly overpriced,


Let me tell you a bit about myself. I have been using safety razors for around 15 years. More recently I bought a couple of old ones from eBay but they were knackered. I was amazed that I could not buy a new one in my local shops.
Merkur is not sold in New Zealand?
Welcome kiwishaver! I currently have about 7 razors or rotation. I see myself and many of the other members purchasing more razors in the future. Why? Well just because. While I understand your pricing policy, it maybe beneficial for you to sell the razors cheaper. While a 10 may purchase a razor at $66, 50 may purchase it at $50, 400 may purchase it at $30 and maybe 4000 may purchase it at $20. I believe they call this the principle of elasticity in economics. This is how walmart got big, by selling it cheaper than everyone else, so they sold more and made a bigger profit. But what ever the case, I hope you find a way to make it cheaper WITHOUT sacrificing quality and making a good profit. That way most of us can share and enjoy your idea.
Also, I dont think many or any members will purchase your Derby blades as we can get it cheaper here.
I wish you all the best.
i dont know, the open comb classic from merkur or the new R89 are both quite cheaper, is there anything to really excuse the price ?

That's what I'm wondering and I don't think I'm going to get an answer from just looking at photos. If it turns out to be a well performing DE that is beautifully made I wouldn't rule it out.

I'm not saying that it's not overpriced just trying to entertain the possibility that as no one has tried it, it might be really good.

I'm not sure my Truefitt & Hill shaving cream is any better than the Palmolive stuff I picked up for less than a pound but I still bought it, and my well buy it again.

Being ripped off is never going to get any fans but around here paying quite a bit more than the average joe to obtain something with a bit more class is not entirely frowned upon.

I suppose a part of me is hoping someone has just released an open comb that is worth this asking price, I'm hoping it's not solely the case that it's sold at this price as a marketing strategy. People spend more on mach3 handles.
While a 10 may purchase a razor at $66, 50 may purchase it at $50, 400 may purchase it at $30 and maybe 4000 may purchase it at $20. I believe they call this the principle of elasticity in economics.

May is a big word there. In the UK they have very cheap Wilkinson Sword DE's and very cheap Boot's DE's and hardly anybody buys them. I'm not convinced I would make more money from selling dirt cheap DE's in drug stores than I would from selling hugely overpriced, very fancily packed, DE's in an upmarket department store.

If economics always worked that way I wouldn't own a macbook just for surfing the web.
I don't know about their ads: 'This Christmas, give a friend the goodfella' :glare:

....They have now taken that ad out.
I think it would be in their best interest to give a group buy or at least a discount to members. It would boost sales.

A couple freebees to some in this thread for research would be a great idea. I perfer the black one if it matters. PM me for my information!

In all honesty, a few floating around would really do well.

Anyway, hope you the best and I am glad to see another player on the field. You never know, it may be worth it.

Good luck in the future Goodfellas!
Woohoo! I was the first to find a new razor!

Now I know I have a problem.


Firstly I would like to thank Doublefelix, Cooncatbob and all the others who have been emailing me over the past couple of days.

Let me tell you a bit about myself. I have been using safety razors for around 15 years. More recently I bought a couple of old ones from eBay but they were knackered. I was amazed that I could not buy a new one in my local shops. I tried the cartridge blades but they were no good and I developed a shaving rash. Frustrated at the lack of choice and the poor quality of the supermarket available products I began designing a new razor.

Just over a year later it is now for sale. I know you like me are all passionate about achieving a quality shave. Over the past year I have dropped into Badger and Blade to read postings and reinforce my conviction to produce a new razor. By Goodfella being posted on eBay I was amazed that within a couple of hours the razor was being blogged here.

By Goodfella being targeted at a new generation of men who will embrace the art of wet shaving I did not anticipate the excitement that you are generating around its launch. Some have criticised the high cost of the razor but the cost has been pitched mid range of the different Merkur razors available. The processes involved are labour intensive, by Goodfella not being made in a factory the finishing is done by hand and production is limited.

The target market for Goodfella is professional men who care about their appearance, cost is not such an issue. Compare the price to a designer fragrance that will last one year max. By Goodfella having a lifetime guarantee, it's the only razor you need to buy.

Andrew, welcome to the very opinionated world of the B&B. This crowd will be more than happy to give you solid inputs, words of wisdom and advice based on their near limitless experience. This is a great bunch of people with the best of intentions. This is a great community to be a part of, whether you are a vendor, a collector or a newbie looking for a better shave.

Welcome to the B&B my friend! :euro:

I agree. For a razor with a 'modern' or contemporary look/design, its priced right in between the Futur and the Vision.

There are always deals to be had, and I agree with ECOSSE, I've seen higher prices for razors that appeared to be much lower in quality (not talking about collector’s items) and I've seen much cheaper razors out there, but perhaps that is the case, maybe they are cheaper and not just less expensive. Goodfellas razors are very good looking. True, they are not adjustable like the Futur and Vision, but perhaps the added cost is the result of hands on labor and finishing. Look at top shelf 1911's they are not mass produced they are hand tooled and that is why you pay a much higher fair for them. If they perform half as well as they look I suspect the price tag won’t be a huge issue. They sure are good looking and are causing quite a stir! Look how fast they found their way here and all the talk they've generated. I eagerly await for the reviews to start rolling in!

I think it would be in their best interest to give a group buy or at least a discount to members. It would boost sales.

A couple freebees to some in this thread for research would be a great idea. I perfer the black one if it matters. PM me for my information!

In all honesty, a few floating around would really do well.

Anyway, hope you the best and I am glad to see another player on the field. You never know, it may be worth it.

Good luck in the future Goodfellas!

Hey, no stealing my thunder! :lol: I suggested this very thing a couple of pages back and agree with you 100%. Some solid reviews here on the B&B and elsewhere on the web could do wonders to promote these razors.
I agree. For a razor with a 'modern' or contemporary look/design, its priced right in between the Futur and the Vision.

I disagree - the Futur ad Vision are adjustable and therefore much more complex to make. This new razor competes directly with the HD, which you can get for less than 1/2.

I appreciate the fact that it may have more manual labour in its production, but that doesn't change the fact that its most direct competition is the HD/other fixed head razors.

While I think its great that someone's making a new DE, I wish it was more price competitive (let's face it, if I'm figuring out a tried and true $30 HD vs. a $75 unknown razor that may/may not work well, I'm going with the HD - and suspect most shavers will as well.

Even those with RAD will have a hard time justifying $75 for one of these.

Also, the kitschy advertising turns me off.

How is that working out for them? Sorry couldn't resist. :blush:

You took the words off of my keyboard :biggrin:
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