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Good source for jnat?

I'm currently in the market for a fine finishing stone. I've just bought a set of Shapton Ceramic Pro stones up to 12k. I was thinking about getting the Shapton 30k but the price is more than I really want to pay. I've tossed up between an escher and jnat and I think that a jnat is the way I want to go.
I'm hoping that someone can point me in the right direction regarding where is a good place to buy one.
You can't blame me for all the stuff you'll purchase. I picked up two stones and 3 razors here last night. It's not going to be pretty

Man. You know, I'm pretty happy and satisfied with my modest honing setup, I have stopped buying razors (lately, SBAD is raging though). But everytime I visit that site, I feel like one of the heiny fridge guys

Man. You know, I'm pretty happy and satisfied with my modest honing setup, I have stopped buying razors (lately, SBAD is raging though). But everytime I visit that site, I feel like one of the heiny fridge guys


That is one of my favorite commercials. I think it's really creative

Takeshi san from aframestokyo is nice but I recently lost my confidence during an exchange of info (and pricing) for something I was looking for outside of his inventory :thumbdown.

There's also:http://thejapanblade.com/stone.htm
1. Japan Blade (Alex Gilmore)
2. Japan Tool (So)
3. Japanese Natural Stones (Maxim)
You can't blame me for all the stuff you'll purchase. I picked up two stones and 3 razors here last night. It's not going to be pretty

This is where I'll be getting my next JNat. The one I got from 330mate on eBay I think actually is a pretty decent stone as when I was experimenting with starting a slurry and diluting to just water I got an edge improvement over the coti edge. When I started with a slurry and honed till it sludged up my edge deteriorated. I think mine is just a fast cutting stone and a water finish is the way to go.

I still want to see what a good JNAt will give and I think Telly linked the above site, so I would be pretty inclined to trust the quality.

Still prefer my escher finish though, but it took me awhile to really learn how to bring the best of the edge with it. I'm hoping that I just haven't figured out my JNat yet.

And as is the typical answer on B&B - get both the JNat and Escher! :biggrin1:
Aframetokyo is where I got my nakayama kiita a few weeks ago and I haven't been disappointed just make takeshi mentions razors when describing the stone.
Man. You know, I'm pretty happy and satisfied with my modest honing setup, I have stopped buying razors (lately, SBAD is raging though).

My wife read that part and nearly peed my pants because she said "that sounds like some kind of venereal disease.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

I had to explain to her about our little flare ups we get (SBAD, SRAD, ASAD, SSAD, SCAD). Then she noticed my post of buying more things and she called me a DAD (dumb --- disorder):blink:
That is one of my favorite commercials. I think it's really creative

Rob, can you imagine a shave den built along those lines? Right next to the master bathroom!!

Takeshi san from aframestokyo is nice but I recently lost my confidence during an exchange of info (and pricing) for something I was looking for outside of his inventory :thumbdown.

There's also:
1. Japan Blade (Alex Gilmore)
2. Japan Tool (So)
3. Japanese Natural Stones (Maxim)

You guys are killing me :lol::lol:.

My wife read that part and nearly peed my pants because she said "that sounds like some kind of venereal disease.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

I had to explain to her about our little flare ups we get (SBAD, SRAD, ASAD, SSAD, SCAD). Then she noticed my post of buying more things and she called me a DAD (dumb --- disorder):blink:

Sounds like your wife and mine would get along fine. :lol::lol:

John, sorry to derail your thread, it looks like you got plenty of sites to choose from; I'm going to have to scurry out of here before that Oozuko calls my name.
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Thanks for the tips everyone. I'll have a good look through them over the next couple of days and see what they've got available.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
As you know John, I would highly recommend So.
Takeshi san from aframestokyo is nice but I recently lost my confidence during an exchange of info (and pricing) for something I was looking for outside of his inventory :thumbdown.

I've had good experiences with him the half dozen times I've purchased from him. He does it as a hobby, though, so I wouldn't expect him to go out of his way to get something that he doesn't have in stock.
Takeshi san from aframestokyo is nice but I recently lost my confidence during an exchange of info (and pricing) for something I was looking for outside of his inventory :thumbdown.

I've had good experiences with him the half dozen times I've purchased from him. He does it as a hobby, though, so I wouldn't expect him to go out of his way to get something that he doesn't have in stock.
FWIW - I found Takeshi to be reasonably accomodating. I simply asked him to drop me a note the next time he got in what I was looking for, and some weeks later, sure enough...
Well I've made an offer on a stone from 330mate on ebay.

This is how he rated it.

Max size]66*247*20mm
net Wt.] 582g
No crack Ultimate class plate!/Superb!/Suit for St razor, Jp planes final Fin./pear surface Sp cutting strength as you know

It seems like it will be a good finisher after the Shapton 12000.

I e-mailed a few other people but none got back to me.
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