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Good, cheap soap or cream

Good suggestions so far. I'll throw in Nivea Sensitive Shave Cream (tube) can be bought locally (Rite Aid) for about $4. Very good value.
These "suggest me" threads can turn into mud slinging. 0-100 real quick. The issue is that there are so many variables to consider. Does the OP have a cc/paypal to purchase items online or not? Does he have access to local ethnic stores? What one may consider a reasonable price may still be unreasonable to another.
These "suggest me" threads can turn into mud slinging. 0-100 real quick. The issue is that there are so many variables to consider. Does the OP have a cc/paypal to purchase items online or not? Does he have access to local ethnic stores? What one may consider a reasonable price may still be unreasonable to another.

I just share product and prices, and allow the OP to choose from there.
I still can't get over having to pay $4 for a 50gr Palmolive stick. That's $8 for 100gr, and at that price point there are many nice soaps.
Although, in the UK, we can buy over half a kilogram of Palmolive sticks for the GBP equivalent of $8 in most supermarkets. If I were in dire financial straits, Palmolive would do...


A little poofier than I prefer
Here's a few observations:
1. In the grand scheme of things, even spending $16 on a tub of TOBS that last you four-to-six months is pretty cheap. Not the cheapest, but seriously, we're really splitting hairs here. Like your not even going to save enough to buy a pizza. Maybe a pizza.
2. You can get a good deal buying in bulk, like a case of Arko or a kilo of Cella, but its not a good deal if you end up not liking the soap. So you might want to try a sample first, either from Garry's Sample Shop or post a WTB on the BST. Heck, someone with a boatload of Arko or brick of Cella in their "off-site storage" might even PIF a little for free. I would, if I had any (which unfortunately, I don't).
3. I have used and like both Nivea and CO Bilgow. Both are easy to get locally (i.e. no shipping). But...I don't think that the performance matches tallow-based soaps, like Cella. So, you know, YMMV. But dropping 3 bucks on a tube of Nivea might be a good investment for you and should fit your starving-student budget.
I hate the Arko scent.

Gingersgarden.com has my favorite glycerine soap at $7 for a standard puck. Ought to last 5-6 months, judging by my one-third size sample.
Although, in the UK, we can buy over half a kilogram of Palmolive sticks for the GBP equivalent of $8 in most supermarkets. If I were in dire financial straits, Palmolive would do...

Yes indeed, but I believe the OP is in the USA, where Palmolive is a lot more expensive.


A little poofier than I prefer
I wish we had readily available Palmolive shave sticks (or any shave sticks, for that matter) on this side of the Pond. Over here, Palmolive = dish soap.
I'm sure some of you saw my post from earlier this week, and I apologize once again if this is a duplicate thread, but I just started shaving with a blade about a week and a half ago, namely because I am a student and need to save money. I am looking for a shaving cream or soap that is cheap but also a quality product. I just think it is crazy to shell out 16 dollars for a container of TOBS or something similar. Thanks for your input guys.

If you pm me an address i can send a Arko sample to you.
Kiss My Face creams are pretty great as well. I've been working on a bottle of lavender for coming up on a year.

That's what I meant with "depending on where you live" ... KMF would not be an inexpensive cream here. The Palmolive situation reversed, so to say :wink2:
Arko is indeed hard to beat in terms of price/performance. Nivea cream is not quite as cheap but I prefer it over Arko.

One small step up from there (that nobody has mentioned) would be the less-expensive Razorock models. I think I've seen Don Marco for $6.99 a tub, and you couldn't trade me two TOBS tubs for my one Don Marco. :)
In my opinion you get what you pay for, but Arko is indeed cheap and performs well, and the Nivea Sensitive Skin shaving cream is also efficient at a low price point and available at your local stores

This. $3, no shipping cost or time. Call around to see who has it and you'll save on gas, too. The only downside is the lack of fragrance, but you can fix that with an aftershave.
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For me, this is among my best budget performers:


TFS Barba Gialla, from their lower priced Linea Tradizionale soaps.
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