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Goatee saver, really?

I'll put odds on it, there's some yahoo out there shaving with one of these stupid things stuck in his mouth.
But what if you have no sense of symmetry? maybe blind in one eye? You'd have a wonky goatee. This saves you from..... oh forget it....I can't defend something as silly as this.....it's just.... silly.:thumbdown
It's dumb, but not as dumb as a product I saw once in an airline magazine. It was dots that you stick on your ties so you can easily locate the right place to tie the knot. Well, at least one person thought it was worth spending big bucks to reach an elite target. In the same issue, there was a board that turned your PC into a television, which cost more than a television. Oh, well...
I have a goatee and have no issues shaving around it.

That thing makes fools look like Hannibal Lector.

Are people really THAT uncoordinated?
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