I´ve tried many after-shaves and I can say, the splashes without glycerin are nice, but the skin-care doesn´t exist really.
But if you have a splash with glycerin under the first ingredients, the care lasts, because the alcohol can´t dry out really.
It´s my opinion.
My favorite Splashes are Tüff Rasierwasser from Thuringia/Germany and Brut Apres Rasage from France (same ingredients like Axe After Shave, because from Unilever). In Tüff, there are herbal essences, too. You can feel the herbal power, in summary to the glycerin.
And, for example, both splashes have glycerin under the first ingredients.
I like Wilkinson After Shaves and the german Tobacco and many others on the market, but with these (no glycerin), care doesn´t happen.
But if you have a splash with glycerin under the first ingredients, the care lasts, because the alcohol can´t dry out really.
It´s my opinion.
My favorite Splashes are Tüff Rasierwasser from Thuringia/Germany and Brut Apres Rasage from France (same ingredients like Axe After Shave, because from Unilever). In Tüff, there are herbal essences, too. You can feel the herbal power, in summary to the glycerin.
And, for example, both splashes have glycerin under the first ingredients.
I like Wilkinson After Shaves and the german Tobacco and many others on the market, but with these (no glycerin), care doesn´t happen.