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Gillette Super Speed - Historical Perspective Needed

Gillette Super Speed - Historical Perspective Needed

I have noticed that the Gillette Super Speed has been manufactured from the 1940‘s through the 1970‘s and possibly into the 80‘s. There also seems to be many variations on this model. Flared tips, blue tips, red tips, etc. Is this Gillette’s most popular, best selling model of all time? Can anyone provide for newbe’s like me and others that may be interested, an overview of this venerable model? Are some models more desireable than others to collectors, as well as to those just wanting to used them, and why. Please give me the low-down.

- dave deluxe
The SS was developed to varying degrees of aggressivenes, you could buy whichever one was best for your beard. Now comes along the adjustable and the SS is outdated. I believe that the Gillette Tech was the best seller in the day, although sold cheap, they sold millions.


http://www.j-duwe.de/Rasierer/Gillette Rasierer.htm

There are some more detailed histories around. If you are really interested send me a PM I have a couple good Gillett books


Dave --

The Superspeeds were made from the '40s into the mid-'80s. Over this several-decade long run that produced millions of razors, the entire design, head geometry, and all of the materials changed several times. The design, materials, embellishments, finish, etc., of a late '50s SS is completely different from a late-'40s; and the SS's from the 60's, '70's, and into the '80s show this same progression.

The common thread is that in the Superspeed, Gillette produced a good quality, reliable, middle of the road, fixed head, TTO, good shaving razor at modest cost --by the millions-- for the shaving public. There are many models and variants spanning the 40 or so years of production.

Frankly, they all seem to shave pretty well and all were of excellent quality, both mechanically and cosmetically.

-- John Gehman
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