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Gillette slim, Quarter last turn really stiff and squeeks

Should I oil it? If so how would I go about doing this? What type of oil should I use? maybe a gun oil like Eezox Premium Gun Care? I think that is the finest oil I have on hand right now.

I know the razor is clean inside. Clean and dry...
IMHO a drop of oil wont hurt, light mineral oil, it'll wash out pretty quick anyway and the squeak may return. a few drips down from the handle end.
Do you really know its clean inside. I tried soak after soak in various stuff before taking this apart:-
I'm not suggesting you do this but a little scale can take a lot to remove by soaking/rinsing. Keep trying soak - oil soak oil etc first.
+1 on the soak in hot water then add a couple of drops of mineral oil. This fixed it right up for me. The turn mechanism became so smooth and the quarter turn was perfect.


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Keep in mind, the 1/4 turn is not consistent from setting 1 to 9, it varies with the razor setting.
My Slim has the same issue. Soaking and oil improved it a little bit, but it's still not as smooth as my Super Adjustable or my Fatboy.
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