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Gillette slide = BBS + 2w

The diagonal slide gave me a much quicker and closer shave, but resulted in a couple weepers. I suppose any iregularities of the skin get cut easier with this style of shaveing. I guess I need to perfect my technique a bit more.

I will try again tomorrow(if my whiskers ever grow back from this BBS!) to see if I can do it without any blood.

What kind of results do you get with the slide?
Excellent. It's the way that Gillette recommended people use their razors way way back, I believe even int he 1930's and it works.

I typically don't do a WTG pass anymore on my cheeks. I do a XTG ear to nose using the Gillette slide and I generally get a DFS right off the bat. If I want a closer shave, I just go the other way also using the slide technique.

I should add that I use rather aggressive razors such as the slant, a fatboy at 8 or 9 or these days a Darwin.
The G slide works great, you just need to take your time and practice a little. You'll get it and will not regret it....
I use a progress all the way open.

The G slide along with the J stroke and buffing are obviously all very important parts of my shaving "toolbox". They are all useful in their own way and places on the face.
for those of you that use slants, does the gillette slide essentially accomplish the same thing? I'm not sure I ever 'got' the reason for slants for this reason...
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