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Gillette NEW, does the blade rest on teeth??

Hey guys,

So I tried shaving with my Gillette NEW today and I did get a close shave but some irritation as well, more so than with the Merkur 1904.

When I compared the two, I immediately noticed that the 1904 blade rest immediately on the teeth with almost no visible gap, while on the NEW there is a big (relatively) noticeable gap between the blade and the teeth.

Is that gap normal for a Gillette NEW? Isn't the 1904 supposed to be the same?
You really can't compare a Merkur to a gillette and assume they are "Supposed" to be the same. All razors are different and will require finding that perfect blade angle/technique. The New does have a blade gap. They are awesome shavers, just put in the time to find the right blade/angle/technique and you will have a lifetime of superb shaves!!
Yeah, this is how mine looks. Thanks.

Which blade do you prefer with that razor?
I use feathers and Red IP's in all my razors. Just experiment with the blade angle a bit...you'll be loving it in no time!
This is a very timely thread. I am four shaves in with a NEW, and am getting decent shaves, but I'm having a very hard time with touch up. I'm just not getting those trouble spots cleared. With the safety bar-razor, I would just blade buff, but am hesitant to with the open comb. Is that an unfounded fear?
This is a very timely thread. I am four shaves in with a NEW, and am getting decent shaves, but I'm having a very hard time with touch up. I'm just not getting those trouble spots cleared. With the safety bar-razor, I would just blade buff, but am hesitant to with the open comb. Is that an unfounded fear?
You can blade buff exactly the same with on OC....have no fear. The teeth are the safety bar...you won't have any trouble.
I think the teeth are not agreeing with my sensitive skin. I can feel the teeth scraping at my face as I am shaving :/
This is a very timely thread. I am four shaves in with a NEW, and am getting decent shaves, but I'm having a very hard time with touch up. I'm just not getting those trouble spots cleared. With the safety bar-razor, I would just blade buff, but am hesitant to with the open comb. Is that an unfounded fear?

I think that you need to do more stretching of the skin with your free hand with an open comb razor such as the New. The safety bar of a closed comb razor does some of the stretching for you, but with an open comb, you need to do more of the stretching. By extension, with a straight, you need to do all the stretching, as the razor won't do any of it for you.

I've found that most of the places where I get rough patches are where there is a slight concavity, or where the skin is a bit loose. Stretching takes care of both cases.

Good luck!
You can blade buff exactly the same with on OC....have no fear. The teeth are the safety bar...you won't have any trouble.

I think that you need to do more stretching of the skin with your free hand with an open comb razor such as the New. The safety bar of a closed comb razor does some of the stretching for you, but with an open comb, you need to do more of the stretching. By extension, with a straight, you need to do all the stretching, as the razor won't do any of it for you.

I've found that most of the places where I get rough patches are where there is a slight concavity, or where the skin is a bit loose. Stretching takes care of both cases.

Good luck!

Thanks for the advice. I will give both a try on the next go around with the NEW.
Pike and Saltchuck were spot on with their advice. The shave with the NEW today was pretty close to amazing, with a true BBS. Thanks again for the suggestions.
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