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Gillette Labs with exfoliating bar cartridge

Is there any alternative that can be used for this razor? I like it but don't really $60 for 10 cartridges like it since I go through a cartridge in a little less than 2 weeks, I shave my head at least every other day. I got a 5 blade Harry's razor and it's alright and much cheaper but I do miss the swivel head. So is there an off brand, or just cheaper alternative cartridge, I can get or is it just $60 for 10 or nothing?


Check Out Chick
Staff member
I am hoping that @Sabre might be able to help out here. I have no idea. I recently bought a Gillette Labs cart with the exfoliating bar. I have not used it but out here in Australia we have them come on Special quite often and more often than not you can pick up the replacement carts for half price when on Special. Maybe it is the same where you are if you Google around.
I would think it would be less expensive to exfoliate using a separate product rather than spend $6 per cartridge.
The Gillette Guard is one of the best carts I ever used and they are dirt cheap. I'm not sure where you can get them now, maybe someone will chime in.
Maybe the Guard would be a good way to go, as Mat was saying. The Guard is a single-blade pivoting cartridge, so no clogging to worry about. Price is very inexpensive, since the Guard is made for third-world conditions.
The Guard is a pretty decent razor, although not the closest-shaving razor I've ever owned. It's certainly worth the price you pay for it and it makes a wonderful travel razor.
These finally became available over here. The carts are usury priced. However, I picked one up to do the Super Click experiment on it. It is said to have more tension than the Flexball.

However I added more tension to Flexball by adding a spring and now it is awesome with my DE Super Click head.

Have to see where this one lands. It doesn’t seem to be able to easily add a spring to this rig.
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