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Gillette Brazilian Aristocrat/Mono Tech

check it to see if there is something bent .. first the safety bars .. then the silo doors hinges if they maybe bent inwards or something

Thanks for trying to help. :)

I've checked everything and nothing is bent. From the outside the razor looks pretty good. It seems to me that the problem is inside the razor. I don't even know if it can be disassembled :/. If it can, I would be much obliged if somebody explained the procedure to me.
Thanks for trying to help. :)

I've checked everything and nothing is bent. From the outside the razor looks pretty good. It seems to me that the problem is inside the razor. I don't even know if it can be disassembled :/. If it can, I would be much obliged if somebody explained the procedure to me.

search tru the forum (or google) about uneven silo doors or similar there are several topics .. is a common thing to bump into it .. as for disassembled from the bottom there should be a bolt or a secure ring that keeps the main shaft in place. Do the shaft have movement up-down if you tag on it? when is closed/open/? .. and did you cleaned it good? maybe there is gunk piled in the handle barrel that is restricting the movement. The shaft just goes up-down nothing more than that.
This is a very nice addition to any collection, particularly like the 10 Platina dispenser (which I don't have, in my over 120 different dispensers) enjoy.
search tru the forum (or google) about uneven silo doors or similar there are several topics .. is a common thing to bump into it .. as for disassembled from the bottom there should be a bolt or a secure ring that keeps the main shaft in place. Do the shaft have movement up-down if you tag on it? when is closed/open/? .. and did you cleaned it good? maybe there is gunk piled in the handle barrel that is restricting the movement. The shaft just goes up-down nothing more than that.

The razor is cleaned (it had almost no gunk in the first place). I've searched on google/B&B but I haven't found a solution for my problem. When it's open the shaft has both up and down movement when I tag on it (if I correctly understood the meaning of your sentence).

http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/34251-How-do-you-disassemble-a-Gillette-super-speed here is one topic for example

as i check mine is held in place with a secure ring not a bolt .. so that may be a more tricky to pull out .. http://www.lambretta-teile.de/bilde...ring-Seegerring-27mm-aussen-PIAGGIO-Vespa.png similar to that in shape .. not sure how easy can it be opened to come out :001_huh:

Unfortunately, I've already seen that thread, but as you correctly noticed, Brasilera has a type of secure ring and not a bolt.

I've tried to listen to the razor carefully when I'm closing it, and just before it closes completely, you can hear a faint "click" sound. I'm almost completely sure that the problem with my Brasilera is inside the handle and that it is a mechanical problem. I really like the look and balance of this razor, but it seems it's just not meant to be...
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